The failure of the jury in the Michael Dunn case to convict Dunn of First Degree Murder or any of its lesser included offenses in the killing of Jordan Davis has led to a predictable outpouring of claims that that the case reflects societal racism, if not racism in the judicial system. Dunn was convicted only of attempted murder and unlawfully firing a missile into an occupied vehicle — none of which relate to his killing of Davis.
As with the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin, there was a rush to blame Florida’s Stand Your Ground (SYG) law.
Unfortunately, many of the people writing about SYG are doing so in apparent ignorance of what SYG is and what it is not. By conflating “SYG” with other completely distinct self-defense legal concepts they only contribute to confusion over these self-defense law issues and complicate good faith debate of them.
via Michael Dunn Trial | Stand Your Ground | Paul Campos | Salon.
Andrew Branca does a double here: A nice fisking that also gives us a detailed and concise legal explanation on SYG and Self Defense. You may want to bookmark it for future reference.
“Unfortunately, many of the people writing about SYG are doing so in apparent ignorance of what SYG is and what it is not.” It is not apparent ignorance . It is self-induced ignorance.
“…conflating “SYG” with other completely distinct self-defense legal concepts…” is exactly what they want and are determined to do. Anything to further government control and reduce our rights.