There has been a rash of stabbings in Israel over the last few weeks.  The rapid escalation of violence seems to driving Israel into a third Intifada.  Never failing to make a situation worse, John Kerry helping to put the pedal to the metal in this particular metaphor.

How are the Israeli’s responding to the reality that any one of them might, at any moment, be some Palestinian’s ticket to heaven?  They are lining up around the block to buy guns.  Israeli shooting ranges are packed.  How is the Israeli government responding to this Obama-re-election-esque wave of gun buying in reaction to Palestinian terror?  By loosening restrictions on the carrying of guns in public?  Sure that’s a start.  But even better is encouraging Israeli civilians to arm and defend themselves.

The Israelis are going to bring a gun to a knife fight.

Ladies and gentlemen, take note.  That is how you do it.  The left in America mocks the idea of “a good guy with a gun.”  Israel is telling the good guy to get guns and is making it easier to do so.  Keep in mind, while Israel may be the epicenter of stab-happy Islam, it is by no means limited to the Holy Land.  Knife attacks by Muslim refugees are on the rise in the European nations taking them in like Sweden and Germany.  How did Sweden respond?  IKEA has stopped selling knives.

Which policy will be more likely to reduce the effectiveness of future attacks?

Don’t forget, the US has opened its doors to the same refugees without a comprehensive plan to weed out the potential terrorists.

All I heard from the Democratic primary debate was how we needed to restrict guns and sue the gun makers out of business.  Sorry, no.  Israel recognized the only way to stop those who want to engage in violence is to meet force with force.  Even the Wall Street Journal figured it out.  If it works in Jerusalem, it will work here as well.

“Israelis have proved before that they have the tactical ingenuity and moral will to defeat their enemies. The sooner they impress on Palestinians that they will never bow to knives or bend to terror, the sooner the stabbings will end.”


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Lesson. Learned.”
  1. “All I heard from the Democratic primary debate was how we needed to restrict guns and sue the gun makers out of business. Sorry, no. ”

    I have a much briefer statement, because I ain’t apologizing.

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