This has to be peak stupid.

American farms produce enough footage to feed every single American and export surplus for trade.

But what really worries the Washington Post is the pollution that keeps 320 million Americans from starving to death.

It’s time to reduce farming capacity and stop shipping food into America’s urban centers.

We can call it a climate change reduction initiative as the Blue metropolis denizens starve to death.

Fuck ’em.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Let them starve”
  1. I’d like to believe you. I really would.

    But I’m thinking there’s a LOT more stupid to come.

    I fear we’re nowhere near the peak.

    These fkers are gonna be full retard when there’s no avocado for their toast.

  2. Is this another push for us to eat bugs like one of those “shit hole” countries. No thanks.

  3. Starve the entire population to death.

    That would be a good way to help with the complete and total extermination of all human life in the United States citizen states except democrats and there privileged elite allies. Since that is the lefts ultimate goal.

    1. The question is, how do the Democrats and privileged elites plan to feed themselves after they eliminate all the food producers?

      They don’t realize it, but theirs is a MAD plan (Mutually Assured Destruction). They won’t realize it until and unless it comes to fruition.

        1. Sort of. But the main way they kept from starving is importing American grain. That’s not an option in the scenario we’re talking about here.

      1. They do not plan on that at all. Like all good toddlers, leftists have no concept of the law of unintended consequences. They see something, make a snap decision, come up with some “justifications and implement.

        Any thought that their plan might backfire, and harm them is rejected as heresy. They are wise beyond their years, and questioning their wisdom is insulting. Of course there will still be plenty of food for everyone if we shut down the farms. Why wouldn’t there be?

        This is no different than the child that yells “I hate you!” to their mother, and decides to run away. But, asks mom for a bunch of sandwiches and some money first.

  4. Yup. Don’t screw with the farmers. The not ready for prime time emission controls that we have put on their farm equipment has doubled their costs in the last ten years of farming.

  5. I like your idea. The benefits are three-fold:

    1. Reduction in urban areas — from nature taking them back over — will reduce the UHI (Urban Heat Island) effect, which likely contributes more to warming (specifically, warming measurements, as monitoring stations originally placed outside urban areas are swallowed by urban sprawl and subjected to UHI).

    2. Reduction in the use of fossil fuels needed to transport food from where it is grown/raised to where it is not. Cities do not produce food, so they should be happy to reduce their own carbon footprints by not having food trucked in.

    3. Reduction in the hot air spewed by urban Leftists. Fewer urbanites, fewer Leftists, less hot air emitted to sully our airwaves with seething hatred of “flyover” people (who happen to be the same people who grow/raise the food they eat).

    Really what it comes down to is, why should farmers and ranchers continue feeding the beast that hates them and wants them and their way of life destroyed?

  6. Years ago a former buddy was a truck driver. The federal dot was screwin with truckers and they were talkin strike. I told him a strike will hurt Americans. You want to get the feds attention? Boycot dc, no loads go to dc for a week-10 days. Trucks pull into a truck stop just out side dc and stay there. Something Americans need to think about….

  7. The elite will have private farms producing food. The rest will be eminent domained and turned completely non-productive.

  8. if the Colonial Pipeline doesn’t get returned to service soon, we may find out what happens when not enough food, gas, and other supplies do not get shipped to East Coast Cities. Trucks run on Petroleum, and if they cannot fuel up, they are not going to go.

  9. Once again, the ugly head of the made-up “problem” of ” climate change “…
    In fact, CO2 is at dangerously low levels. If we reduce CO2 below the threshold, plants will die.
    CO2 is the life giving gas all plants need.
    Check out the book “Inconvenient Facts”

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