And that is not the only contradiction. You cannot be broke and be a billionaire at the same time, yet he writes it like it is not only a possibility, but a fact.

I knw we have been joking about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but I am staring to truly believe that hate does affect the brain as bad or worse than real head trauma.

What the hell is going to happen the night November 3rd? These people will not accept the re-election and they will lose their collective minds worse then when Hillary lost. Back then they had a heavy emotional investment, but this time around,, it is a fully mental investment in the win of Joe Biden. It will not matter if both popular and Electoral votes go Republican, they will simply will/can not be able to process the outcome.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Liberals have no sense of contradiction”
  1. On the night of November 3rd we’ll start to see the results come in. If Trump is in the lead, they talking heads will tell us “The race is too close to call in …” If Biden is in the lead by 0.0002% they will tell us “In part of a landslide win, Biden is declared the winner of …”

    At the end of the night, if Biden is not the clear winner, they will tell us that the race is to close to call and that we’ll have to wait until all the votes are counted.

    If Trump is actually declared the winner on Nov 3rd or 4th, then the talking heads will continue to tell us that it will all change when all of the mail in votes are counted.

    In the mean time, the riots will break out anew. Screams of “He cheated!” and “Not my President” will echo as mostly peaceful protesters burn cities down before starting their march into the suburbs.

    Finally they will have enough mail in votes to declare Biden the winner. They will do so and immediately call for Trump to concede. If he doesn’t they will then start telling us how Trump is going to refuse to leave office and it is time for the Military to frog march him out of the oval office.

    1. Biden, like Obama and like a lot of politicians, has never worked an honest job in his life.
      BTW, on taxes, yesterday I saw an article that’s basically a rerun from a few months ago. It described how Biden used an “S Corporation” as a way to launder his million-dollar income (speaking fees and books) to avoid paying certain taxes. Medicare tax is one, Social Security possibly as well I don’t remember. It would be interesting to see if that comes up if he decides to pick on Trump’s taxes.

  2. I’m wondering what the debates tonight will be like. First time I’m planning on watching presidential debates in more than a decade.

    Mrs. B. posits that no matter what happens, Biden will be declared the winner. We shall see.

    1. No matter what happens, Biden WILL be declared the decisive winner of the debates. If he refuses to speak, he will be declared the winner. If he is a 100% gaffe fest, he will be declared the winner. Even if he does not show up, he will be declared the winner.

      Every word out of his mouth will be brilliant beyond belief.

      There is no other possible way the media can, or will, report it.

  3. The thing with liberals is they are not thinking like adults. They think like children. Self contradiction is not a concept a five year old understands. Why would you expect a liberal to understand it?

    “Defund the police, they are nothing but racist murderers!”
    “There is someone on my property, call the police!”

  4. Meanwhile America is having Trump parades on land and water by the thousands and America is patiently waiting to go vote for Trump. Fuk biden. Fuk democrats. We the People will win and then We the People will get real and light a fire under the ass of the gop

  5. Biden, a ‘working class white man’ ? WFT over?
    Unless you consider a man that has literally been “employed” in politics since 1970 as ‘working’.
    TDS is merely a manifestation of the reality that liberalism is a mental disease.

  6. Kind if ties in with how they complain about how Trump is a billionaire, and complain about how in capitalism money can buy everything, and people will vote for a person who makes money, even if they have no ethics, etc. Then they complain because Trump “went bankrupt 6 times”, as if people were stupid to vote for a person who went bankrupt. Which is it? Either we’re stupid for voting for a man just because he makes money, or we’re stupid for voting for a man who isn’t even a good enough businessman to avoid bankruptcy. And they totally ignore the fact that a person who can go bankrupt SIX TIMES must be very good at business, or he never would have recovered after the first time or two. A person who goes bankrupt once and recovers and becomes successful again has some business skill. A person who bankrupts six times, and ends up with billions of dollars and a business empire must be very good to be able to still gather credit and capital to rebuild every single time.
    The left: it’s evil to have lots of money and to be successful! And it’s even worse to loose your money once you have it!

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