By hagar

12 thoughts on “Liberty Safes”
  1. I would be curious what other dafe makers say about warrent searches… bet you will find many will give up the code when big gubmint calls..
    Besides, glenn beck is always crowing how great liberty safes are so they must be great…right??

        1. I stopped when he went never Trump. I started up again a while ago. He is no longer never Trump and did in fact, apologize for his stupidity.

  2. I asked Brown Safe and here’s what they replied:

    At Brown Safe our family name is on every safe that leaves our facility, and our family puts our client’s confidentiality and security first and foremost. Safe combinations are never provided to anyone other than the original owner of the safe regardless of the situation. Depending on the type of safe or vault door, combinations can be deleted or retained depending on the client’s preference. Brown Safe respects the trust our clients give us with each purchase.

    We value the choice of retention of factory set combinations to our clients. If you prefer to have the factory set combinations removed from our records and assume responsibility for lost combinations, technical difficulties, and warranty issues we fully respect this decision. Please provide your name and product serial number and we will remove your information. Thank you for trusting Brown Safe for your protection needs.

  3. That’s nice from Brown Safes. I wonder though, how they would respond to a subpoena demanding they provide the information.
    Anyway, I’m not sure about using the safe as a smoker. No telling what might be outgassing when the paint and lining heat up.

    1. Assuming they were telling the truth — and the email was signed by the COO of the company, Tim Brown — I would expect the answer is “fight it”. Which is the answer I would want to see. A fight like that can be won and can produce positive PR for the company, as it did for Apple some years ago.
      The other good point in the email is that they will on request remove your data from their records, and the email is a pretty clear commitment than in such a case the data is indeed gone, so a subpoena wouldn’t do the feds any good.

      1. There are many safe providers that looked at Liberty Safe doing the Bud Light thing and changed or put into place policies to remove customer factory combos on request.
        If the state has a warrant to search your home looking for something that could fit in your safe, they will open it. Having a safe that is harder to open gives your lawyer time to block the warrant.

        1. One of the lawyers on Lawtube also pointed out that cops will often claim later in court proceedings that even if their original warrant was defective, by you allowing them into the house without breaking them down the door, you have somehow “voluntarily consented to the search.”

          Whether you or the safe company gave them the combination to your safe, they will if necessary, still argue that your safe was voluntarily opened. It is a lot harder to make that argument if the government peeled open the side of your safe.

        2. I remember someone commenting that a standard search warrant authorizes search but doesn’t authorize breaking into safes, so a safe that the owner isn’t volunteering to open then requires a separate trip to the judge for a separate warrant to break it.
          True? IANAL.

          1. I am a lawyer. And NOT true, assuming that the objects of the search can be placed in the safe. And if the object of the search cannot be fit inside a safe, they’ve no reason to open it.

            1. Then you should also know that doesn’t mean it won’t be. Just think back to the FBI raiding the safe deposit place not too long ago. They opened and confiscated boxes with nothing to do with anything they were doing.
              There are few consequences and those few are sufficiently harsh for actors who do things they know they can’t or shouldn’t because they know it will be a wrist slap at best.

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