This thread (unrolled):

Supporting the impeachment of President Trump under these circumstances will do great damage to the institutions of government and could invite further violence at a time the President is calling for calm.

If there was a time for America’s political leaders to bend a knee and ask for God’s counsel and guidance, it is now. The most important thing for leaders to do in times of crisis is to make things better, not worse.

The process being used in the House to impeach President Trump is an affront to any concept of due process and will further divide the country.

The President, who will be leaving office in less than a week, has committed to an orderly transfer of power, encouraging calm and rejecting violence.

The House impeachment process seeks to legitimize a snap impeachment totally void of due process. No hearings. No witnesses. It is a rushed process that, over time, will become a threat to future presidents.

As to Senate leadership, I fear they are making the problem worse, not better.

The last thing the country needs is an impeachment trial of a president who is leaving office in one week.

Democrats have already impeached the President once over a matter which was not worthy of that process.

Now they seek to do it again, believing that this effort will wash for history the fact that the first impeachment was based on the thinnest of pretenses: a phone call with the leader of Ukraine.
Impeachment should never be a ‘do-over,’ but that is what Democrats are seeking to do today.

To my Republican colleagues who legitimize this process, you are doing great damage not only to the country, the future of the presidency, but also to the party.

The millions who have supported President Trump and his agenda should not be demonized because of the despicable actions of a seditious mob.
The individuals who participated in the storming of the Capitol should be met with the full force of the law. They should and will be held accountable.


Every word of that is correct.

They need to listen to Graham on this one, he’s absolutely right.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham has a moment of clarity”
  1. On PBS this morning a law professor said that due process was not necessary as there is no doubt of the crime. The end of due process

    1. What “law professor” was that?

      I’m so old I remember when leftists were demanding exacting police and court procedure for people who had been witnessed and admitted to committing murder, to the point the left demanded the criminal be released if the process wasn’t letter perfect.

  2. “On PBS this morning a law professor said that due process was not necessary as there is no doubt of the crime. The end of due process”

    (A) “on PBS”. You could have stopped there.

    (B) “On PBS this morning a law professor said that due process was not necessary as there is no doubt of the crime.”

    Which speaks to the state of legal “scholarship” in the contemporary world.

    (C) “the end of due process”.

    Anybody *else* here for 2020? I mean, besides me?

  3. The optics of pictures of armed national guardsmen sleeping and resting in the halls of congress why the politicians sneak past is not list on me. The image is clear; refuse to support the uniparty and these guys with guns will drag you away to a show trail.

    To have armed troops ‘protecting’ politicians on mass in the building screems a coup happened.

  4. “To my Republican colleagues who legitimize this process, you are doing great damage not only to the country, the future of the presidency, but also to the party.”

    Interesting … I read that as, in his opinion, damage to the party is most important of the things he lists.

  5. But, but, but… Trump isn’t calling for calm! Sure, those are the words he’s using, but everyone knows it’s a dog-whistle to his followers to burn the $#!+ down!


    They are so convinced that Trump is the bad guy, their gut instinct is to assume anything reasonable he says is a masked call for the exact opposite. And the reason that opposite result hasn’t happened is because he somehow has no real supporters. (Which is probably why they think he stole the 2016 election.)

    Violations of Occam’s Razor all over the place. It can’t just be that he legitimately won in 2016, he has tens of millions of supporters, and he really means what he says. It just can’t be.

    1. That’s what they say, true. Whether they believe it is another question. It’s quite possible they are merely lying, as is usual for politicians.

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