Ohio boy, 2, shoots his pregnant mother, 31, in the back with pistol he found in nightstand: Mom and baby both died after emergency C-section

A two-year-old boy shot his pregnant mother in the back with a pistol he found in her nightstand, killing her and her unborn child.

Police in Norwalk, Ohio rushed to the scene on June 16 after receiving a frantic call from the mother, Laura Ilg, 31, moments after she was shot in the back.

Her Marine husband Alek, 28, who was at work at the time, also called dispatchers, telling them he ‘received a phone call from his wife “screaming something about my son and needing to call 911″‘, cops said.

Ilg was rushed to nearby Fisher-Titus Medical Center, where surgeons performed an emergency cesarean section but they were unable to save the baby. Ilg was tragically declared dead around three hours later.

This is a fucking tragedy.

That’s what this is.

A boy lost his mom and will have to deal with the emotional fallout of that when he’s old enough to understand what he did.

A husband lost his wife and unborn child.

The gun was left unsecured in a drawer.

This could have been prevented with the purchase of a cheap lock box.

But now a family is destroyed.

I have two kids.

My nightstand gun is in a Liberty biometric safe for this exact reason.

All of my guns are behind steel if not on my body.

Lock up your guns.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Lock up your fucking guns, people”
  1. I get Miguel’s post re getting tired of repeating the same things. There’s no reason tragedy like this needs to keep happening, other than human nature in all its, um, glory. Fighting that writ large is the story of civilization; on an individual basis it’s a hell of a slog.
    Thanks to you, him and AWA for the ongoing reminders.

    1. I appreciate it Boris. If I repeat this ad nauseum, it’s for this reason. Nobody wants to see this happen. The responsible gun owning community should police itself to prevent things like this from happening or the anti-gun community will have justification to police us in oppressive ways.

      1. Thinking about it, there is a dichotomy here, or at least something of a conundrum.
        On the one hand we want to keep kids safe, and help parents do that; more generally we’d like to see every gun owner be responsible.
        But a lot of gun owners, and conservatives more generally, to my observation are becoming completely fed up with being told what they should be doing. Granted, what’s presented at GFZ is orders of magnitude less preachy and obnoxious than what the MSM, progressives, etc are famous for; and those folks usually try to prescribe thoughts as well as actions, a whole other order of concern. At any rate, these days I think a lot of those on the right just start shutting down the ears when they perceive any hint of being preached at, true or not, good advice or not.
        Not sure what to do about it, though, when there is info that many of us could stand to internalize.

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