A man has become London’s 67th homicide victim of 2018 after he was stabbed to death in Islington.
The man was pronounced dead at the scene after suffering multiple stab wounds – crowds gathered as police put up a cordon and a helicopter hovered overhead.
It’s the fourth killing in four days in the capital.

Lawless London: Man knifed to death in Islington, 4 killed in 4 days

If anything, London is pointing out to the failure of Liberal Laws regarding crime and self-defense in the UK in general. We have covered the insane laws which punish the individual defending himself  and giving the criminals judicial relief against the good guys. Gun control, the promised jewel that would keep Londoners safe was achieved but somehow the criminal instinct was not curbed but boldened. Surveillance was also promised as a cure, with eyes everywhere to either prevent, stop or get evidence of crimes, but apparently even after allegedly half a million private and government cameras covering the city, violence is still happening.

In the meantime in not-so-sunny-&-full-of-guns Miami-Dade county (It has been raining for more than a week) MDPD inform us that our Jan 1 to May 23 crime stats show a drop in violent crime of 19% from the same time frame last year.

And I do not think this is just happening this year. I believe that the powers-that-be in London have been very good at fudging with stats to cover for their inability to control crime (No , I am not buying the “accidental strangling/hanging” cause of death) just that this time they were caught with the pants down or have not figured out how to make the murders appear as suicide. I would not be surprised if a law is passed forbidding the Press and anybody else to report on a violent crime till it has been “solved” by the police or some other legislation trying to control the flow of information and cover the problem.

But hey! They know more than us, right? We should imitate them.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.