I know that the big news about London everybody is talking about is the sudden spike of murders. But I would like to show this video as a symptom/example of the general collapse of the British Society.
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/ShaunPants/videos/10155695012667730/” width=”600″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]
APRIL 1ST 2018.
These guys have tried to steal my bike for the 3rd time this week!
I AM F*CKING STEAMING!The first day was Monday 26th at 4pm. (3 boys)
Guy even told me I was lucky I had a disc lock on it!Second day was Friday 30th at Midnight. (2 boys)
Again, I was told I was lucky I had a lock.
But the idiot didn’t think to check if I had a lock on my rear tyre.Today was (4 boys).
April fools huh?
Moped thefts are as common in London as joints in Denver. Thieves don’t care much if they are seen doing their deed and pretty much fear nobody because there is nobody that could impart the notion that the taking of somebody’s property without permission is not kosher.
Any idea you had about the Brits being polite is a BBC-induced fantasy. The official culture is Hooliganism it is becoming a lawless country unless you are the victim in which case anything you do to remain alive can be construed as a felony.
Bus drivers have to be caged to avoid being attacked by passengers. Violence in busses are commonplace that videos are easy to find.
When the police fails to protect and the common individual has neither the tools nor the right to defend him/herself, it is the strong one, the crazy one, the lawless one who win.
The ultimate liberal utopia! This is the place where welfare recipient’s get a FREE car and a FREE vacation…what could go wrong?
“London has fallen.”
You can’t fix stupid. They elected a fan of the aloha-snackbar “religion” as a mayor and now they bitch about feeling unsafe?
People here should learn. Go through a natural disaster and you’ll understand what I mean.
Try that in the South with some guy’s Harley and he’ll fill you full of buckshot out the window.
This lawlessness won’t continue forever. Eventually, someone is going to put it down. Either the old Anglo-Saxons will rise up, or as is becoming more likely, the Islamist will bring about order.
Either way, the multi-culti darlings that brought about this state of affairs aren’t going to like the results.