Miguel beat me to the punch with one vehicle attack, however there were a few vehicle attacks to note, and as Miguel pointed out, employing new tactics.

Marking vehicles for reprisal attacks.

Let us take a look at the attack in question.

The mob is clearly trying to pull open the driver’s door.  The driver floors it.  Another mob member reads off the license plate and screams it over and over again.

The mob has marked the vehicle and can get the driver’s information so they can track the driver down later for reprisal attacks.

They tried to pull a Reginald Denny on the driver of this truck then act like the victims when he floors it.  Now it is very likely that they will track him down and harass or attack him at his home or place of work.  We’ve seen that before with people to defy the mob.

The threat doesn’t end with the initial attack does.  I cannot understate this danger enough.

These thugs are proving every day why DeSantis’ bill is so important, and really, there needs to be some federal equivalent.  Antifa is making our roads impassible with the threat of violence.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Lots of attacks on vehicles”
  1. The more I see of these, the more I think I want a drop-down, remote control license plate cover in case I see something like this ahead of my truck.

    I don’t want to break the law, but nor do I want to lead a pack of barbarian thugs back to my home.

    1. Or a James Bond style rotating license plate holder, with as your “for use in riots” plate something amusing, like the license plate of the mayor.

      1. Just don’t “brandish” it at the mob outside your house, or you’ll end up like Pete, arrested and dragged out by the cops while the mob outside jeers at you. And you will certainly go to prison if you shoot at them if they are “just standing in the street”….i.e. harassing and threatening you and surrounding your house. Don’t expect the police to do anything to stop them.

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