As Florida state Representative James W. Grant argued on Wednesday in favor of expanding Florida’s already deadly Stand Your Ground law, he invoked Trayvon Martin and the name of my son, Jordan Davis. He used my son’s name to claim that the system was working—that the fact that my son’s killer is now spending life in prison after claiming self-defense and citing the Stand Your Ground law means that Florida’s Stand Your Ground law doesn’t get in the way of justice being served.

Here’s my message for Representative Grant: Don’t you dare use my son’s name to justify your support for this reckless bill. As Representative Grant knows, I testified against the bill and expanding Stand Your Ground in Florida. I did so in hopes of protecting children like my son.


I am sorry, but Rep. Grant is right: The system did work. Michael Dunn is serving Life plus 90 years after invoking Stand Your Ground first and then Self-Defense and neither the Judges nor the jury did not buy it.

The paranoid in me (and he is a healthy bastard) cannot help but think that it is not only Stand Your Ground which is being attacked, but the whole Self-Defense concept. Imagine the power that the State would have if even Castle Doctrine is nullified and we are forced to apply Duty to Retreat even in our homes.  If you are saying “There he goes confusing SYG with Castle Doctrine, damn it! They are two different things!” Yes, both are different, but politicians and the Media always seem to accidentally on purpose make it look as they are the same thing and I have to go with the side of they doing it knowingly and it is not a simple “mistake.”

And a PS to Ms McBath: If you use your kid’s name for political purposes and diminish my rights, you lose the moral exclusivity on the use of such name.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.