Reader Robert E. sent me this sad one.

TENNESSEE — A suspect is in custody after police say he “randomly” attacked a married couple with a machete at a self-storage center near downtown Nashville Sunday.
The horrific incident occurred at the ‘Public Storage’ business — located at 800 5th Ave. South.
WSMV’s Joushua Cole said in a tweet, “I cannot repeat the exact verbiage the officer used to describe the scene, at this time, but it sounds like this is a very sad situation.”

Police say 6 officers treated the victims on scene with multiple tourniquets. Both were transported to a a hospital in critical condition.

Couple Fighting For Their Life After Being ‘Randomly’ Attacked By Machete-Wielding Man In Nashville

A Tweet from somebody saying is a friend of the victims may explain why the multiple tourniquets.

The machete, reasonably sharpened, is a very efficient cutting/chopping tool. Short and light, it is deadly on a non-trained user with the advantage of being silent. Use the non-sharpened edge against a skull and it will crack it. Slap the flat side against somebody’s butt or lower back, and the pain will throw him to his knees.

Against a machete-wielding attacker, I will give no quarters, nor wait to see if he changes his mind.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Machete attack in Nashville. I hate the damned things.”
  1. A machete can be found in any hardware store across the country. Harbor Frieght sells in 5.99

  2. Getting an arm severed is near the very top of things that terrify me. Probably No. 2 after paralysis due to CNS damage.

    That is why this is good policy:

  3. God damn. That’s horrifying. This is why the Leftist lie about only criminals with guns are “dangerous” is so atrocious. And their insistence that if you simply “give the attacker what they want and they won’t hurt you” BS. Some monsters just want you dead or to suffer. If someone threatens me or my family with lethal force I’ll take it as a deadly threat, period.

  4. “Randomly” attacked with a machete, Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like the the MO of an adherent of a religion whose name cannot be mentioned.

  5. A few years back I got into a debate with a (re-)known(-ed) anti-gunner, Joan Peterson. I made the claim that knives, machetes, and other bladed weapons are far more dangerous than so-called “assault weapons” with so-called “high-capacity magazines”.

    A machete is quiet (even quieter than a “silenced” gun), is capable of causing far more trauma with every swing, is sold for cheap to anyone 18 years or older at every hardware store in the country, is just as dangerous and deadly when used by an untrained assailant, and … importantly … never runs out of ammunition.

    There’s no reloading, so no “mag-cap” law is going to affect it. “Rush the bad guy while he’s reloading” isn’t a viable strategy.

    She ridiculed the statement. Because ZOMGSCARYGUNS!!!!

    I imagine she’s pretty silent on attacks like this, seeing as how it just proved her 100% wrong on all counts.

  6. Read this account to TDW-Mark II. Rhetorically asked her, “So, once again, why do we leave the house, armed, without fail?”

    Her response: “…and, with standard capacity magazines. Because you find it difficult to conceal a 33 round magazine!”

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