It seems Madrid did no shut down as the rest of Europe did and even theough the local government was criticized and the usual doom and gloom predictions were issues, it did not come to pass:

In the last twelve months, for example, Madrid is the territory with the lowest lethality of the country, only matched by the Balearic Islands and Melilla.

The [Carlos III Institute of Health] has been collecting statistics for just one year, on 10 May 2020, when the fearsome first wave in Spain has already been completed. Since then, 49,058 people have died in Spain and 6,383 have died in Madrid. This community ranks third in the total number of deaths, behind only Andalusia, which accounts for 8,243 deaths, and Catalonia, which registers 7,645. (Browser translated)

Madrid, la comunidad con menor letalidad desde hace un año 

From I could gather, Madrid was criticized heavily for allowing hotels to conduct business and that meant the flow of tourism was not severely affected. Madrid’s income is Tourism, the same way Orlando is dependent on it: No tourism means people do not get a paycheck and buy food, period.

But how did lockdown regions do? The stats have an answer for that.

While one in a hundred people die in Madrid, the Balearic Islands and Melilla, in other communities the number soars well above average. The most striking cases are those of Asturias and Aragon, fiefdoms both governed by left-wing governments. According to figures collected by the Carlos III Institute of Health, an average of 3.3 people for every hundred who became infected with Covid have died since 10 May 2020.

Little by little the evidence is creeping out. Lockdowns not only did not work, but were killers. Add to that a Socialist government and you get three times more killed than pure, unfettered Capitalism.

Something about History repeating itself…

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Madrid and the lack of Covid restrictions.”
  1. Unfortunately people became so entrenched in their positions that they’ll never be convinced the lockdowns were wrong, and next time a pig gets sick in Ecuador we’ll have lockdowns again.

    Fauci could announce at the Super Bowl that he made the whole thing up to impress a boy and the only story would be about how stunning and brave he was for coming out at such a masculine venue.

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