In Northern Virginia, a teen boy’s girlfriend sent sexy pictures of herself and he sent one back. Now they want to charge the kid with felonies for child pornography and are trying to “prove” it’s him by creating their own collection of child pornography to compare it against. When the response by the prosecutor and the cops is to think, “hey, we should haul a 17-year-old boy to a hospital and give him a shot to force an erection so that we can take nudie pictures of him all hot and bothered,” it’s time they need to reconsider their choices in life.

via Creating Child Porn to “Prove” Child Porn | Shall Not Be Questioned.

Bitter’s post is good and outrage is more than indicated….but my cerebral files came up with this famous scene from a famous movie.

Dear Manassas City police & Prosecuting attorney:  Those of us not pissed at you, are laughing this hard.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Manassas City police imitates Hollywood”
  1. A sane judge would fine them for applying for the warrant, as their proposal either requires an involuntary medical procedure (the shot) or sexual assault. This isn’t a hunt for a killer or rapist, and even in those instances I doubt it would be allowed.

    Worse — I suspect they wouldn’t be this diligent chasing down an actual rapist.

      1. What in the name of deity or deities of choice does “screened for homosexuality” have to do with this!?

        1. because the cops in question may be gay or pedophiles, in which case they were doing this for an excuse to look at little boy penis*, and should be registered as sex offenders.

          Regardless, I think they should be registered as sex offenders after this.

          *Not that all gay men are out to get a look at little boys’ penises. Just that if a man insists a minor of a gender compatable with his orientation strip so that he can see said minor’s genitals in sexual arousal, it’s obviously not being done with the protection of society in mind.

  2. The kid is probably related to “Two Gun Bob” from Unforgiven, and the pervs just want a better look.

  3. A judge approved the Search Warrant.

    A judge approved the warrant!

    Let that fact sink in for a while…

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