News from China:

People not trusting the government and fighting the police?

This will only end one way in China, with a military crackdown.

Expect the response to the social unrest over the Coronavirus to be worse than the Coronavirus lockdown itself.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Many more deaths coming to China in the near future”
  1. I don’t expect government in China to collapse. They would rather kill the entire population of China before that. Basically doing in real life what the democrats want to do here. Only the democrats would just nuke hundred of millions while the Chinese just shoot everyone. One just only cares about power, The other also only cares about power but also wants the total extermination of the human population globally or at least in the country minus themselves.

    1. Actually, no. Why would the Democratic leadership want to be alone in this world? That means they would have to plant crops, fix plumbing, ect.
      It’s kind of hard to be the modern version of aristocracy if all the serfs are dead.

      As for some kind of ideological imperative to save the planet or other such rot, one has to remember that there is a big difference between the true believers and the leadership of any movement. Notice what happens after any revolution? The leadership immediately shoots all the true believers.
      True believers are good as useful idiots and shock troops, but dangerous once power is attained.

      Follow the money, and always remember that Leftist always lie. Ignore what they say, and look at what they do, and what they do is private jets, giant beachfront mansions, chauffeured cars, celebrity chef dinners, and high fashion in clothing.

      The biggest unspoken truth about the leaders of the American Left is that they absolutely, positively, 100% don’t want a Socialist Revolution. They are living far better lives now than the old Central Committee of the USSR, and they know it.

      The equality talk is just for the rubes and suckers and voters- they’re as serious about that as they are about ending racisim.

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