I had to drop by quick and I was greeted by this new sign:

I am happy to say it was being Olympically ignored by 99% of the shoppers. Those that I saw masked were Karen-type individuals  trying to get a 2x12x8 secured a top of their Prius.

I have seen some people wearing masks, but they are from the age/health bracket that should be taking care of themselves and I actually applaud them for doing as much as they can to remains untouched by the virus. Anybody else is just an extra in the Covid theater of Horror.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Mask Mandate at the Big Orange Store”
  1. Glad to see at least some folks are acting more rationally this round. In my red Texas county it’s pretty much as you describe. But the blue big city next door has gone back to full Coof Panic mode, with the eager assistance of the usual media suspects. Actual numbers of dead and hospitalized are never mentioned, of course. Just “percentages” reported in completely (and intentionally) misleading ways. I’m also hearing from friends in the health care field that the panic porn about hospitals being “overwhelmed” is fiction, with very few exceptions. We may never hear the truth about the actual data. It doesn’t support the agenda.

    1. I’ve been downloading the Georgia DPH daily cases and graphing the cases and deaths. Data goes back to Jan 2020 and includes stater total and county numbers for every day since Jan1 2020- big file (200+ counties here in GA).
      The latest spike seems to have peaked as of Aug 2nd, and the death rate has had no significant blip beyond the single digit to low double digit daily variation seen since about May; although there’s up to a 21 day lag between cases and deaths, so we’ll be certain as of 23rd or so.
      But a change from 6 deaths to 12 is a 100% jump….ooh, scary.
      The peak at approx. 3700 cases on 8/2 is about 2/3 of the numbers from last Aug and less than a third of January’s worst day….yet the press is reeeeing about worst spike evah.
      If your state provides this data set, you too can do your own assessment. Excel is a useful tool.

  2. Attention!! Home depot has a mask mandate for EMPLOYEES only at this time. That is prob a sign from old pandemic. Or that particular store. I AM an employee of home depot.

  3. I saw that this morning at a store here in VA. My wife and I ignored it as well as probably half of the other customers. Nobody said anything to us.

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