Seven inmates were killed during fights that lasted more than seven hours at a South Carolina prison Sunday night and into Monday morning, according to officials.
At least six emergency agencies responded to a “mass casualty incident” at Lee Correctional Institution in Lee County that resulted in the seven inmate deaths and 17 other inmates requiring medical attention, the S.C. Department of Corrections announced early Monday morning.

7 inmates killed in ‘mass casualty incident’ at SC prison

But we have to thank the heavens that these were not “gun deaths” otherwise they would have been horrible. (/end sarcasm)

Senseless Violence is the key. It is not the gun or the knife or the pipe. You cannot ask for a more controlled environment that a prison and yet death happens, assaults happen, rapes happen.

But if they can find a way to put the blame of this incident on Gun Owners, they would go ahead and do it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Mass Casualty Incident in South Carolina.”
  1. I am horribly upset that these murders occurred in a prison. I therefor urge all citizens to do away with these places that harbor people and cause them to commit murders. Apparently being imprisoned leads to murder. We must close these denizens of evil. Therefore, we must petition the government to release the prisoners before they all become murderers . Short of that we must give each one of them a firearm so they can commit the murders quicker. Any and all types of firearms should be issued. Yes, including ‘attack weapons’ and move all prisoners to the ‘recreation yard’ so we don’t have any hiding in the laundry room and then claim they are ‘survivors’. Who can we boycott to take our message to the streets. Let’s look at this closely and we have to come-up with someone to boycott. I’ll be waiting for your answer. David Hogg wannabes need not apply!

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