A buddy of mine who still lives in Alabama told me about this:

Alabama doctors push back as feds cut monoclonal antibody allocation by 30%

The Medical Association of the State of Alabama is voicing “strong concerns” over a federal plan to cut the state’s allocation of monoclonal antibodies, a key tool used in the fight against COVID.

“Alabama’s hospitals are full and under tremendous stress. That’s why physicians are very concerned about federal efforts that will end up limiting our supply and access to this effective treatment,” said Dr. Aruna Arora, President of the Medical Association. “We’re calling on the federal government to help us provide more of this treatment – not less – so we can save lives and keep COVID patients out of the hospital.”

Well, it’s not just Alabama.

Biden’s team tightens grip on state use of Covid antibody treatments

The Biden administration is imposing new limits on states’ ability to access to Covid-19 antibody treatments amid rising demand from GOP governors who have relied on the drug as a primary weapon against the virus.

Federal health officials plan to allocate specific amounts to each state under the new approach, in an effort to more evenly distribute the 150,000 doses that the government makes available each week.

The approach is likely to cut into shipments to GOP-led states in the Southeast that have made the pricey antibody drug a central part of their pandemic strategy, while simultaneously spurning mask mandates and other restrictions.

Still, until recently, the administration had shipped the antibody treatments to states on an as-needed basis — with top health officials in early August going as far as encouraging those battling the Delta surge to seek even more supply.

But demand from a handful of southern states has exploded since then, state and federal officials said, raising concerns they were consuming a disproportionate amount of the national supply. Seven states — Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama — accounted for 70 percent of all orders in early September.

The claim is to more evenly distribute the antibodies, to make it sound fair.  But the is no evidence that the increase in use in Southern states is causing other states not to receive the antibodies they need.

This is choking the flow to Red states that have rejected the mask and vaccination mandates.

This is, and I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say it, a COVID treatment Holodomor.  It is denying states vital medicine in order to punish them politically by causing their citizens to die unnecessarily.

Mass murder through restriction of medicine.

The Biden administration is treating Red states like Stalin treated the Ukrainians.

This is the Left.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “Mass murder of undesirables by withholding medical care begins in Southern Red states”
    1. This!

      Encourage early treatment using Ivermectin or HCQ with Zinc, Vitamins D and C.
      “We had no choice after you cut the monoclonal antibody allotment.”

      By early treatment, I include prophalaxis treatments.

      1. The problem is that pharmacies and doctors are licensed by the FDA and DEA. If you oppose then, they yank that license.

    1. “HoloJoemor” would fly right over the heads of 95% of the people that saw it.

      The only people that would understand are Anti-Communists, Communists, and Ukrainians (which are already likely in one of the other two camps). .

  1. Well no shit they use a disporportion amount of the stuff, they have a disproportionate amount of population. Florida is #3 in the country and Texas is #2. The rest of the list are closer to the top than the bottom.

  2. Welp, as I was discussing at lunch with some friends, turnabout is fair play. 😉

    Have the governors of these 7 republican states pass orders to not allow ANY libtards from blue states, in particular from Commiefornia & Newyorkistan, on the grounds that they bring the ‘Rona (as they’ve done it before) into the state and we don’t have enough medicine (aka. monoclonal antibodies) to treat our locals AND outsider libtards. EZ peasy.
    Complaints? They can send them to President Xiden.

    1. I like it. Let’s see how quickly this Administration starts claiming interstate travel is a fundamental human right that cannot be restricted. Then claim the opposite a day later concerning vaccines.

      1. It’s not like brazen hypocrisy bothers them.

        I don’t have a problem with this angle though.

        How hard is it to manufacture monoclonal antibodies, btw?

        1. Toastrider, in another article they mentioned that the Feds “authorized” an increase in delivery from 100,000 units to 150,000 units (I don’t remember the timescale for those deliveries). I don’t know the manufacturing process but it reads to me that the industry could produce more but, as per usual, the government keeps fucking it all up because some useless bureaucrats have some god complexes.

    2. And cut off the supplies of oil, food, gas, any products made in those 7 states, stop shipping them north or west.

    3. On top of that, one podcaster I listen to always says there needs to be a tax strike. No income taxes, no gas taxes, no nothing taxes to the gov until they figure out who they’re supposed to be working for.

      That’s a movement I could get behind.

  3. The claim is to more evenly distribute the antibodies, to make it sound fair. But the is no evidence that the increase in use in Southern states is causing other states not to receive the antibodies they need.

    That was my first thought: Are other states seeing shortages that require re-allocation of the shipments (i.e. that overtax the supply chain and can’t be made up by increasing production)?

    If not, then this move is just plain vindictive.

    If I were any of those governors, I’d be taking a page from “hightecrebel” above: Start pushing HCQ (plus vitamins C and D and zinc) as a therapeutic, and start pushing Ivermectin (plus vitamins C and D and zinc) as a prophylactic and therapeutic.

    Contrary to what Dr. Faux-chi keeps saying, there are inexpensive, effective, and readily-available treatments for COVID-19. But why would Faux-chi or his Big Pharma overlords push $5 available-as-a-generic treatments when the “vaccines” are $25-40 per jab (x2 or more jabs per person) and Remdesivir costs $520 per vial, times 4-6 vials for an average course of treatment?

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