Let’s start with who is Dr. Leana Wen. Her last listed job was president of Planned Parenthood and before that she was Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, so basically she went from killing poor minorities at a city scale to nationwide.

With that covered, who the flying fuck of a barrel of Chinese monkeys doe she think she is? “You Americans have too much freedom! Must comply with the party! Vaccinate or we release the bat virus again! Love you long time GI!”

People like her, insulated in their little comfortable Liberal capsules do not understand that America by definition is ornery and contrary. Ask us nicely and you will get our help and cooperation. Get bossy and we will tell you to go enjoy  copulation with a side of eggrolls vaginally and crab wontons rectally.

Half a Hat Tip to PaulKersey

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Mass Murderer demands Biden to dole out Freedoms only if you are vaccinated”
  1. “Otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy those freedoms anyway.”

    That’s right. Despite what she or her ilk have to say.

    Wow, the states are re-opening faster than they can exert control. Go figure. Looks like their crisis is petering out soon after they got the levers of power, and thus gone to waste.

    Completely oblivious to the fact that the states having opened up – like mine, have cratering COVID infection rates – the death rates having cratered months ago.

    “…coming into the fall where we never reach herd immunity”

    Again, clueless. It’s already here for the most part. No thanks to her crowd.

  2. “Otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy those freedoms anyway.”

    That’s right. Despite what she or her ilk have to say.

    Wow, the states are re-opening faster than they can exert control. Go figure.

    Completely oblivious to the fact that the states having opened up – like mine, have cratering COVID infection rates – the death rates having cratered months ago.

    “…coming into the fall where we never reach herd immunity”

    Again, clueless. It’s already here for the most part.

  3. “… that America by definition is ornery and contrary.”

    Not enough of us, I’m afraid.

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