Sunday, July 28, 2019 11:21PMBROWNSVILLE, Brooklyn (WABC) — Police are searching for at least two shooters after gunfire erupted during an event at a playground in Brooklyn Saturday night, leaving 12 people shot, one fatally.

The shooting happened just before 11 p.m. at a park near Christopher Avenue and Hegeman Avenue in Brownsville.

1 dead, 11 wounded in shooting on playground in Brooklyn


July 28, 2019, 9:38 PM EDT / Updated July 29, 2019, 8:04 AM EDT
At least three people were killed and 15 other people injured in a shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California after a suspect, wearing tactical gear and armed with an assault rifle, opened fire, authorities and witnesses said Sunday night.

“It’s sort of a nightmare you hope you never have to live in reality,” Gilroy Police Chief Scot Smithee said at a news conference

Three dead, suspect killed in shooting at Gilroy Garlic Festival in California

Two states that pride themselves on having the toughest gun laws and stating up to the NRA managed to get a mass event in less than 24 hours of each other.

Of course, Twitter was taken over those who wanted even more failure.

I am sure we will hear nothing but more Gun Control all day today, specially from the Democratic Presidential hopefuls who will swear that like Socialism, ,ore Gun Control is the answer to peace.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Mass shootings in New York and California. I thought Gun Control Worked.”
  1. “Guns can be purchased in other states and brought over state lines.”

    Then why aren’t there more shootings in those other states, if freedom is the the problem? Why isn’t crime (of all sorts) worse in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon? Crime rates of all sorts are higher in California. But, it’s because other states are more free?!

    It’s the same old argument they always offer, when one points out that they have EVERY anti-gun law they already have been asking for, and it STILL fails to stop the so-called problem.

    But, according to the hippie, we’re the ones who need to THINK.

    1. “Then why aren’t there more shootings in those other states, if freedom is the the problem? Why isn’t crime (of all sorts) worse in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon? Crime rates of all sorts are higher in California. But, it’s because other states are more free?!”

      This x 1000. As usual, progtards shift to blame to everything/everybody but themselves. They are never at fault. RME

  2. And of course this morning all the news reports are “we don’t know anything at all except the shooter waaswhite male between 20 and 35”

    Everytime that happens I go back to the Chattanooga terror attack, where the news anchors kept saying that same thing over and over again (don’t know anything except its a white dude!) and the shooter was a Palestinian inspired by Hamas.

    1. Funny how that works, don’t it?

      Ilhan Omar calls all white people “dangerous” and “nazis.” Not a peep from the progtard MSM.

      President states truth that Baltimore is a rat-infested craphole. MSM goes bananas: OMG!! RAYCISSST!!! OMGOMGOMG!

      Bernie Bro sez Baltimore is a craphole. Crickets.

      BaltimoreSun releases articles 3 to 6 months ago about Baltimore being a craphole. Nobody blinks or sez anything.

      Anyone not part of the progtard group-think mentions that Baltimore is in really bad shape. Twatters get their nickers in a twist, screaming “raycisst! RAYCISST!!”

      RMESHISMB :-/

  3. It’s like the old reliable line from Chicago: “all those guns from Indiana”, except when they’re traced they’re not from Indiana.

    But 11 PM in a park in Brooklyn? Drug deal gone bad? Gangs?

  4. To them gun control does bring peace. They just don’t like the part being brought up where they confiscate all guns and kill all the gun owners to bring about that piece. Remember to these people the body count doesn’t matter so long as the end goal is socialist utopia.

    After they get there way: “We’ve exterminated 150-200 million people by using our nuclear arsenal on the enemies of America (every single solitary United States citizens that oppose the government in any way shape or form) and in doing so have made white people and all Jewish people in the country extinct as well as make everything illegal and we hold all the power forever and ANYONE who still opposes us that is still alive or opposes in the future will be executed. We have achieved peace”. Sure this quote sounds extremely hyperbolic and insane, but in this day and age it may actually be the truth.

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