The far Left Democrat Governor of California, a state with a super-majority far Left Democrat legislature, and filled with far Left Democrat prosecutors, wants to know why gangs of organized criminals are robbing trains and making California look like many other “third world countries” run by Leftists/Socialists, e.g., Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

Clearly it’s not his fault.  He was only the Lieutenant Governor in 2014 when California passed Propositions 47.

He’s going to get to the bottom of this, which means finding a Republican to scapegoat and publicly sacrifice.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Maybe Gavin Newsom can team up with OJ Simpson to find the real killer too”
  1. The looting of the trains has nothing to do with the homeless encampment located on the other side of the street that parallels the railroad tracks. Absolutely nothing to do with the looting of any train that slows down in the railroad cut,

    Everyone knows the homeless are hard working families that are temporarily down on their luck. They are definitely not criminals, mentally deranged lost souls, and drug addicts that are living this way as a permanent lifestyle with their lifestyle being financed by billions in social spending by the California State, Federal and Local governments.

    California spent billions on their homeless problem, so it should soon be solved.

  2. My favorite part of this is that the douchewaffle then thought the effort was needed to apologize for the thieves by retracting his statement that they were “gangs”. He backtracked and apologized, saying “groups, they are organized groups”. Why the heck do we CARE what they are called? Does douchewaffle worry that he has offended the scumbags? Woke has no depth of stupidity they won’t plumb.

  3. My favorite part of this is that the douchewaffle then thought the effort was need to apologize for the theives by retracting his statement that they were “gangs”. He backtracked and apologized, saying “groups, they are organized groups”. Why the heck do we CARE what they are called? Does douchewaffle worry that he has offended the scumbags? Woke has no depth of stupidity they won’t plumb.

  4. A post elsewhere noted that Union Pacific recently laid off a huge number of security staff (railroad bulls) which created the opportunity for looting.

    1. I hadn’t heard that. I’ve heard the RR police have been catching them and the local prosecutors have just been turning them loose.

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