By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Mean Monday Memes”
  1. The next to last meme is a photograph of Steve Buscemi. After what he did post-911 nothing could make me disrespect him. Surely you can find a photograph of a coward leftist New Yorker for such a meme. I would suggest AOC.

      1. Steve Buscemi was also involved with “Operation Gut-n-Pump” in the beach communities in the Rockaways (part of FDNY but actually volunteer fire departments) after Super Storm Sandy in 2012. It was called Gut-n-Pump because flooded homes were pumped out and then gutted to four feet above the flood water line. I was down there a couple of weeks after he was and spent a whole day with other CT firefighters helping with the clean up. There was an area of 100 homes that caught fire during the storm that burned completely down to the flood water level. I should do a blog post about the experience, because I left there in tears.

  2. Re farts in a jar … I guess everyone has their kinks and in the grand scheme of…

    Oh, who am I kidding. EEEEYUK!

  3. After “z”‘s note, I did a little web searching. Buscemi rose several, several notches in my appraisal. Now, I hope that I understand the “meme” thing, nut, I *am* a geezer, after all, yet It certainly seems toe that “masks for thee but not for me” Cortes/AOC/She Guevera would be a superior protagonist for the meme.

    Still, your blog. I still value y’all’s thoughts, and you are on my daily read list. Simply my own 2ยข worth, in Jhiao Bribem Bucks.

    1. Three things:

      Steve Buscemi is one of the rare genuinely good guys in Hollywood.

      Memes are powerful tools of communication. They are self contained, easily digestible, but can say a lot with few words. That is because the meme taps into widely understood pop culture references. Even if you don’t understand the original reference, you may have seen the meme enough to get it. In this meme, Buscemi is an avatar. Nobody sees him and thinks “Steve Buscemi.” They see the character and understand the idea being communicated of the out of place stranger.

      Steve Buscemi himself embraces his own meme and dressed up as it for Halloween.

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