I hate this time-line.

Jamming a swab up a child’s nose while they scream to test for a virus that hardly affects them seems needlessly cruel.

The medical profession is burning all their good will on a pyre of COVID compliance and TikTok videos.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Medical professional carside manner”
  1. What I want to say would probably get me unpersoned. I will just leave it at the commentary that I now hold most all medical “professionals” in the same light as those who think “I’m just doing my job/following orders” is an acceptable excuse for reprehensible and immoral behavior. Fuck them all.

  2. While you make good points, there IS a somewhat rational basis to testing kids: if little Jimmy has the rona, s/x/e could potentially transmit it to grandpa/ma. In that case, knowing could have implications for visiting, etc.

    On another note, TDW-Mark II received her rona vax.

    Her new fiery nimbus renders her even *MORE* intimidating!

    1. “if little Jimmy has the rona, s/x/e could potentially transmit it to grandpa/ma.”

      I have yet to see a documented case of that happening. In fact, I have yet to see a documented case of an asymptomatic individual of any age transmitting the virus.

      What I have seen are several studies that indicate those without symptoms do not have a sufficient viral load to spread the disease.

      Of course, I went to the same medical school as Bill Gates, so my opinion is about as useful.

  3. If we wear a mask on the front of our face to prevent the spread, why are they digging a trench through the sinus cavities to find it? Disgusting.

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