Fabiola “Karen” Santiago is a columnist for the Miami Herald and it seems that people going out of their homes, sick of being enclosed for so long is enough to wish them death.

Dear Fabiola, here is a simple tip that may make your life a bit easy during times like this.

If you are afraid of getting sick, DO NOT GO OUT!
Stay Away For Other People’s Business!

I seriously don’t know how to express it any easier.

PS: I think Barbarita’s Liquor II in Miami Lakes delivers in your neighborhood. Give them a call.

UPDATE:  She “apologizes” after being raked over the Twitter coals. We dumb peoples just did not understand the meaning of her deeply thought and caring tweet.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Miami Herald Columnist seems to have ran out of Boxed Wine and Xanax (UPDATE)”
  1. Many of the restrictions aren’t about public health; they’re about public morals. As always.
    And the Mental Hygiene Police find no difficulty in mobilizing the Blue-Nosed Biddy Brigades (Church Ladies, Pepperpots, or whatever you like to call them) in support of the cause-of-the-week.
    See also: “net neutrality”, and how it was totally irresponsible to return to the regulatory regime of a few months earlier, back when the Internet didn’t work and everyone was dead.

  2. Actually, I see a lot of jealously in there as well.

    Friends with more than one leftist, and they always want to go out, etc… but then get angry because there are (GASP! The HORRORS!) other people are there as well. IF only those horrible people would have just stayed home to keep the virus from spreading, she could have enjoyed the beach/trail/park without risk of catching the virus.

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