Gimenez cannot follow the dangerous precedents of Gov. DeSantis or President Trump, picking dates out of thin air to declare amenities reopened, while they make saving lives an afterthought. He’s done a better job than either up to this point, and he shouldn’t sully his track record in a rush to normalcy.
Gimenez seems aware of the minefield through which he’s walking. He has solicited public-health experts’ guidance, not acting unilaterally, or prematurely, and then having to walk back a misguided decision.

Don’t open Miami-Dade parks until coronavirus experts say it’s OK | Editorial

And what expert advice should we follow? One that has the approval of the Democratic Party?  Or is the Editorial Boar of the Herald just being contrary because it is their duty as members of the political opposition’s propaganda machine.

I know, we should follow the advice of experts like Dr Ezequiel Emanuel (Yes, related to former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel )who says the U.S. Must Stay Locked Down For 12-18 Months Until There’s A Vaccine.  People are losing their patience and it has barely been a month and a half. Suicide Prevention hotlines have received an increase of 600% in the number of calls but the imbeciles at the Herald want to keep people unnaturally bottled up because it is the political thing to do.

What ticks me off the most is that the guidelines recommended by the White House actually make sense and may even be considered a tad slow. But the biggest criticism I have seen from other sources is that the responsibility for opening the state is placed on the Governor, which kinda destroys the preferred Media narrative that Trump is acting like an out of control King/Dictator without any respect for the 10th Amendment.

I should have not been surprised by this editorial. We are but a mere 6 months away from the Elections and the Miami Herald needs to do its part and more for the Democrats and Liberals in general.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Miami Herald: Keep the county closed because Orange Man said something opposite.”
  1. If we have to stay locked down for 12 to 18 until (or if) we develop a vaccine in order to “save” the nation, we won’t have a nation worth saving.

  2. I would very much like Gimenez, and every other politician advocating for extending the restrictions to explain to their constituents exactly what is so horrible about this virus.

    I bet you they can’t. I bet they have no idea what this virus is, what it does to the human body, how quickly it actually spreads, or anything along those lines. All you get is flattening the curve, CDC guidelines, etc… etc… etc…

    Now that pretty much every projection/model shows that the US and most states are past the predicted peak, and with the exception of densely populated areas like NYC, there is adequate medical facilities, why continue the lockdowns?

    I also want them to compare the infections, hospitalizations, and deaths to other infectious diseases, and explain why they have not imposed these restrictions in the past, and why they are not going to for the seasonal influenza coming up.

    Finally, before I will tolerate a single day more of this unnecessary hunkering down, I must have the politicians imposing the restrictions tell me what constitutes a safe level of viral activity. Because the virus is already out there, and if Gimenez and his ilk are waiting until there are zero new infections, we are never leaving the house again.

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