OMG! The horror! Did you know that Trump did not invite the Pelosi-invited idiot that tried to heckle the SOTU and was removed like a garbage can? He is mean to the suffering of a grieving father! OK, what that little clip pf fake news fails to mention is that the President invited Parkland parents to the White House and simply decided not to reward bad behavior by leaving this particular idiot out of the gathering.

Notice that the Herald’s blurb do not mention the other parents nor their particular grief. Why? As a full member of the Democrat Propaganda machine, The Ever Shrinking Miami Herald (Soon to be Miami Herald and car trading deals, free at any supermarket check out) must make a huge story on how heartless Orange Man Bas is because he does not surrender to the bloody shirt waving of one guy while ignoring the rest of the parents for political convenience.

If your corpse has the proper seal of approval by the liberals, it will be put on display and usage. Other than that, you can mulch your dead loved one and they will piss on it.

You gotta love Political Ghouls.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Miami Herald: Some dead are more special than others.”
  1. Fundamental axiom of politics on display once again.

    “It is not the action taken that causes the offense, it is the political affiliation of the person taking action that causes the offense.”

    Applied here. Guttenberg is supporting the political left. Therefore his grief counts. Add to that, he is an asshole that cares not about any boundaries, or decorum, and the political left adores him, and will chastise the political right for not grieving equally with him.

    On the other hand, there are numerous people out there that lost children in tragic ways. Trump did not invite them to the SOTU. Where is the outrage from the political left about how a parent that lost a child to a drunk driver not being invited?

    Even more curious, Trump DID invite the brother of a man killed by an illegal alien that should have been deported, but was not because of a sanctuary city policy. Where is Trump’s praises for acknowledging that family’s tragedy?

    1. George Orwell in “Animal Farm”. A satire of the Russian revolution.

      Back in the 1960’s it was set reading in Australian high schools. I imagine that is long finished.

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