I was giving a little thought about what is gonna happen to the economy in the coming months. Places like Florida, Texas and other that opted for a less medieval-plague approach are by far in better shape economy-wise or at least that is my opinion. On Saturday I was expecting a Navy Seal museum pretty much for the missus and myself, but there was plenty of people enjoying the exhibits and even taking on the obstacle course. On our way back to Miami, the GPS took us through neighborhoods in Ft Pierce where I counted at least 4 BBQ restaurants fully producing smoke and people enjoying the ribs and such. The chain steak house where we had lunch was almost full (but there was some social distancing applied, call it 3/4 full) and the other eateries  presented occupied parking lots, indication that they were also doing business. We did not see emptiness you see up North anywhere.

And then, there was so much traffic in both I-95 and the Florida Turnpike, you could not tell we were in a pandemic. The only thing that gave you pause was the inordinate amount of vehicles with license plates from New York, New Jersey and other Northern locations which I suspect were running away from their particular Covid Camps.

From my very amateur perspective and from what I have seen, I believe Free States will do much better in 2021 than those who followed the “Scientists” who believed turning cities into health concentration camps was the solution.

Then again, we do not know what kind of shit the Federal Government will pull to punish success. You know damn well how much they hate that.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Miami Herald still throwing hissy fits about people ignoring Covid restrictions.”
  1. Hey MiamiHerald, now do congress. No? Oh, right… you *journos* have double-standards to uphold and shit. RME

    Here it is anyways: “PHOTO: If Congress were a restaurant, they’d be shut down over this MASSIVE social-distancing violation”

    This is example #2,683,825 of why any smidgen of credibility our “betters” think they have just fizzles away like a bad fart in a hurricane.

  2. They’re using a telephoto lens to make the crowd look worse. Very old, dishonest journalism trick. You see it all the time.

  3. Last Thursday the 31st I was in maines second biggest “city”Bangor. It was a madhouse. Traffic backed up EVERYWHERE. I realized that the 1st is a holiday and all the wellfairites here(275THOUSAND last count) ALL got thier checks Thursday. Of course we are under blueball rulers here so it was mask crazy. But everyone and thier brother was out. It took me 10 minutes to travel less than a quarter mile and 2 traffic lights to get to interstate on ramp when i left. This monday am was pretty quiet… afternoon was a bit more busy. I envy the red states that are booming.

  4. “Then again, we do not know what kind of shit the Federal Government will pull to punish success. You know damn well how much they hate that.”

    What California is doing now only harder. It makes sense as there goal is of course The complete and total permanent ruination of the United States economy as a way to bring about communism and the complete abolishment of private property except for themselves.

    It’s not your guns the government is going door to door to confiscate and execute you if you resist or oppose. No, since the government literally owns everything you are holding onto governor t property that is illegal futa you to own and it is within the governments right to Yale back there property (your guns, along with anything and everything else) and due to the nature of the Government property you are in posession of the execution and extermination of every single solitary United States citizen that possess firearms along with the mandated extermination of every singke solitary United states citizen that opposes that is not only legal but morally justified. Because we are going to be in a global one world communist government and if you don’t like it you along with literally every single solitary United stated citizen can die.

    After all, it’s what SCOTUS thinks and is in full agreement with.

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