So you wish/hope for more Floridians to die in the name of DeSantis Derangement Syndrome.
Florida was supposed to be a wasteland by know. We are the state who refused to shut down. We defied the dictums of Dr. Fauxci so the piles of bodies were sure to be seen outside hospitals while the local wildlife would be feasting on them.
And that has not happened.
And then he dared to make the vaccine available in Publix supermarkets across the state rather than maintain centralized points where the little people could line for miles up and make a great photo op for the local Pols to show “They Care!®” and you should re-elect them. And, of course, after the Governor announced yesterday that WalMart stores will also bet vaccination points, rather than celebrate, the Miami Herald secretly hopes a more deadly variant attacks the state because they cannot allow that f***ing Trumpist to have a win, specially not one this big.
And as usual, the proven warning remains true: Because they want you dead.