I shouldn’t belive this but I can.


The President didn’t wear a mask, nor should he.

I don’t want to see the President of the United States, the most protected person in the world, hide behind a piece of gauze.

I want to see him send a message of strength that we will get past this and back to normal again.

After Pearl Harbor, FNR didn’t tell us to hide under our beds, he said: “American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”

But AG Karen wants Trump to wear a mask.  So she has decided that he is no longer welcome in Michigan, which is way above her paygrade.

Had some Republican AG said this about Obama, his state would be accused of insurrection and wanting to secede.

Then to say that she wants to bring charges against the Ford plant for allowing Trump to walk around without a mask is just petty.

However, in doing this, it gives me a glimpse into the future.

I suspect that Democrat politicians will use tactics like this to break up or prevent Trump rallies from happening in swing states.

Trump wants to hold a rally and if people don’t wear masks, it will get shut down or the venue hosting it will face criminal charges and then back out of hosting it.

Mark my words, the jackbooted politics of mask-wearing is coming down the pipeline and it’s going to be ugly.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Michigan Attorney General tries to out Karen the Michigan Governor”
  1. More sanctimonious ignorance from an insane liberal. The best way to get me to never wear a mask again is act like her.

  2. The politikritter’s out-Karening of each other is spreading like the ChiCom flu among them and they’re getting way too uppity. Them politkos need to a serious bitch-slapping and NOW. This crap is getting scary out there…


    “Illinois lawmakers are attempting to pass legislation to give government the ability to confiscate property from business owners and citizens during state emergencies like the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.”


    1. That bill came from a “republican”. Amazing. I guess treason is bipartisan, at least in IL.

  3. The Michigan ag, just after being elected, she was going to keep a list of people and organizations that could be guilty of a hate crime even though they were not charged or investigated. Michigan elected a Nazi governor and a Nazi AG.

  4. Once again, toddlers will be toddlers.

    “He’s not doing what I WANT! He is ruining EVERYTHING!!!!”

    And, I will bet every dollar in my wallet (which is actually a pretty large amount since I have been to a place where I normally use cash for about two months), that when a campaign rally is planned, the swing states with leftist governors will try to shut it down. Biden will get no such scrutiny.

    Then again, Biden will likely not get enough people to warrant any scrutiny.

    Seriously, Trump should hold his rallies about 50 feet outside the border of these leftist tyrannical governor run states and see how many people flock to them.

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