Mayor tied to tree and beaten by furious voters after ‘failing to keep promises’
A mayor in Mexico who reportedly overpromised and underdelivered was met by an angry mob of voters who dragged him from office and tied him to a tree for two hours until he apologised

Fuming voters finally had enough of their blundering mayor, so they tied him to a tree.

The elected leader was subjected to an angry mob who roped him to a tree trunk and beat him.

Ramirez is reportedly known for his outlandish campaign promises, according to local reports.

American political violence ain’t got nothing on Mexico.

They take lying politicians and turn them into human piñatas and beating them until campaign promises fall out is more than what happened at the Capitol.

I’m surprised that Democrats would wants mass immigration from Mexico and promises them the moon given how local lying politicians are treated.


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By J. Kb

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