From Fox News:

Seattle ‘autonomous zone’ has armed guards, local businesses being threatened with extortion, police say

Seattle police say they have received reports of armed guards and potential extortion in a self-declared autonomous zone that spans several blocks and includes a now-closed precinct.

“We’ve heard, anecdotally, reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area. This is the crime of extortion. If anyone has been subjected to this, we need them to call 911,” Assistant Chief of Police Deanna Nollette said on Wednesday.

That is how third world countries operate. That is one of the hallmarks of a third world shithole, people cannot operate a business without bribery or extortion because of the corruption of the powers that be.

A national such as ours is possible only because we try to weed out corruption, extortion, and a protection racket.

Granted, we’re not perfect but we try.

When there are no police and the thugs in charge become the thugs in charge because they are the ones with the guns and the willingness to do violence, this sort of corruption is a natural outcome.

The Seattle Autonomous Zone is a little slice of Mogadishu in America in all the worst ways.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Miguel was even more right about Seattle”
  1. There’s always a law. If not our laws, it’ll be the law of the jungle.

    This goes to show how ignorant and gullible these protesters are. its’ all been done before, and even now. All they have to do is look.

  2. Requesting the businesses to call 911 when this happens is the wrong move. They should tell the businesses that they are no longer in the USA, and they have 24 hours to get back to the US before the border is closed.

    Then leave the police free utopia to fend for themselves.

    1. Quite apart from that, what sense does it make to tell people to call 911 when the police has fled the area? Not that the chief will admit to it, but what else do you call a boarded up precinct building and no cops anywhere on the streets?

  3. Apparently the “regular” police are miffed that they’re missing out on their cut.

  4. pkoning beat me to it, but here anyway:

    “We’ve heard, anecdotally, reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area. This is the crime of extortion. If anyone has been subjected to this, we need them to call 911,” Assistant Chief of Police Deanna Nollette said on Wednesday.

    That’s rich. The police have abandoned the area, including their own precinct building, which presumably has SPD computers, radios, and guns. They’re not going to respond to a 9-1-1 call to that area!

    Besides, extortion in and of itself is not an emergency. 9-1-1 is not the right number to call. But either way, you’re not getting a police response in the “police-free zone”.

    Given that the Governor, mayor, and Chief of Police are all on the “protesters'” side and allowing the police-free “autonomous zone”, what’s the over-under on how long before this Assistant Chief of Police is asked to resign over telling people there to call 9-1-1?

  5. I’ve heard reports that a similar thing is currently being attempted in Portland. This is literally a Communist revolution and Democrats are either being silent or encouraging it.

  6. Personally Id let them have both those cities. Stop ALL deliveries of everything. Encourage real Americans to GTFO and move to a red state. Seal the roads and rivers after a grace period to let Americans leave. Then totally ignore them. You wanted your whitey -bad -utopia. You got it. The chaz zone I would immediately shut off power cell phone and internet no deliveries. Yall “left the USA,“ have at it

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