Minnesota’s Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) is considering better defining what type of “non-criminal” conduct or activities could possibly prohibit someone from serving in law enforcement, according to board leaders.

“There’s always a fine line between what an employee’s off-duty behavior is or groups associated with or things they say on social media, where does that cross the line into employment,” POST Board Executive Director Erik Misselt said.

State law enforcement oversight board taking closer look at standards for those who wear the badge

This was exactly what the Chavez government did to almost every police force in the country before absorbing them into the Policia Nacional Bolivariana. Of course, it was the Government who defined what positions and thoughts were contrary to the good order of the Nation which was pretty much anything that did no scream Socialism and it was applied to both new recruits and serving officers. Those who were smart and enough time, went for retirement just like a dear old friend of mine. The rest either were removed or were able to hide their true sentiments because they needed to have an income and provide for their families.

As you can imagine, a police force driven by the politics of socialism is quite lousy in dealing with crime, specially when they are used for political repression and the criminal element has been an ally of the government doing the dirty deeds for them. The result is that Venezuela was (and probably still is, but the gov is fully in control of the stats and lying) the second most violent country in the world.

And don’t believe that Minnesota will not investigate current-serving officers, specially combing through their social media just to make examples out of the “worst” cases and scare the rest. You would hope Police Unions would stand against it, but I believe they will be royally ignored. No cops? hell, their base will be ecstatic! 

Hat Tip Markc 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Minnesota to follow the example of Venezuela about hiring cops.”
  1. ” No cops?”
    Hardly, you’ll get a thousand versions of Mohammad Noor and all the Diversity Inclusion Equity versions the left can hire. Plus BLM being named an auxiliary department in at least one city.

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