So Steven Crowder had people check addresses where supposedly voters lived according to their registration and found out that the addresses did not exist, were empty lots and even abandoned factories. Twitter decided that a warning label was needed because violence?

And in case Twitter memory-holes the post:

And here is the whole video in YouTube (I know, to be Memory Holed soon)

I wonder how long will the castle of cards will hold.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “MinTruth Continues its Election News Labor”
  1. C’mon Man!!!

    It’s only bad/wrong IF:

    You get caught
    You get charged
    You get convicted

    Welcome to Amerika 2021.

    Mind your stores.

    1. And of course none of the above will be investigated by any government if you’re a Democrat.

    1. Gotta love that attitude.

      “It would not have changed the outcome of the election, so why bother investigating?”

      A crime is a crime. Election fraud is election fraud. Does not matter if it sways one vote, or a million.

  2. Oh, noes! He was DOXXING nonexistent people, revealing the addresses at which nobody lives! BAD EVIL DOXXER! There could be VIOLENCE against the nonexistent people at those nonexistent addresses!

  3. One might imagine, if, indeed the election was fair etc, that TPTB would welcome investigation, since, in that circumstance, the facts would refute Mr. Trump’s claims.

    Can you say “evidence of guilt”?

  4. The sham ending is not a “How long?” question, at its root.

    It’s a physics and material science realization question.
    When enough people realize that TPTB aren’t bulletproof, and that shooting them in the face is an elegant and efficient solution, the sham will end.

    Not before.

    The “How long?” question is when that realization reaches critical mass, and begins to bear fruit.

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