Amazing how Anti Gun idiots have guns and behave stupidly with them without thinking they are doing something wrong.


A Mississippi state legislator brandished his handgun Thursday on the House floor in order to make a point about his opposition to a proposed gun-rights bill.

Democratic state Rep. Charles Young Jr. was escorted from the chamber at his request after arguing against House Bill 1083, which would allow permit holders to challenge more easily rules forbidding enhanced-carry, according to Y’all Politics.

Dem lawmaker waves gun on Mississippi House floor to protest bill

As it usually happens when Democrat pulls a stunt like that, the bill in consideration passed by a not-so-narrow margin and a final tally of 80-33.

But what makes this particular incident somewhat remarkable is what the Dem said with a straight face:

Rep. Charles Young Jr., D-Meridian, told his colleagues “let’s grow up,” arguing for the House to amend or kill the bill the House passed Wednesday. To make his point, he displayed his FN pistol and his enhanced concealed carry permit.

Gun on the floor: Mississippi lawmaker displays pistol to protest legislation

“Let’s grow up.” His actions were really mature, indeed.

Hat Tip Robert E.

PS: Wait one. Isn’t the FN Five Seven the most hated handgun by Gun Control because it kills cops and only cop killers carry it? Is Rep. Young trying to kill cops? Is he a cop killer?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Mississippi Representative (D) waves gun inside the Legislature.”
  1. From the linked article:

    “Young cited legislative Joint Rule 37, then cited a recent Supreme Court ruling on a lawsuit against Speaker Philip Gunn saying legislative rules can ‘supersede state law’.”

    Not only does Mr Young violate the Legislature’s own rules, but the legislature can approve rules that violate state Law? My head hurts.

    P.S. I’m sure that as a loyal Democrat, Mr. Young is an advocate for the poor under classes and wants the whole panoply of “reasonable gun laws;” yet he carries a very expensive pistol. He definitely appears to be a card carrying member of the “guns from but not for thee” club.

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