True, as these days Moms Demand Action is still fighting for gun safety laws, Gov. Terry Branstad has reduced treatment for mental illness, and President Donald Trump signed a law permitting the mentally ill to purchase weapons.

This week, after seeing small children dying in Syria, convulsing in death, foaming from their mouths, the world recoiled in horror and grief. As the politicians feign outrage, I wonder if the vision will make any difference.

— Heidi Bagg, Des Moines

Will seeing horror in Syria make any difference? – The Des Moines Register

This is the kind of crap that even when it pisses me off, I welcome. It can only help when idiots like Ms. Bagg would accuse Gun Owners (which include her family, friends and neighbors) of crimes against humanity.

We do not need to call her an idiot, she is doing that job herself.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Mom Demands Activist compares Second Amendment with gassing children.”
  1. Mom Demands Activist AND the Editorial Staff of the Des Moines Register compares Second Amendment with gassing children.


    We are the OTHER. They think we are the same as Nazis and Homicidal Dictators.

  2. As a Leftist of some sort, I assume she is in favor of murder by abortion. So, her calls of “for the childrenz!” rings hollow.

    Also I recall the Nazis were all in favor of gun control to keep their rivals at bay and to perpetrate genocide.

    So, comparing us to a petty dictator is a blood libel. She can go fornicate herself and expire.

  3. Well, if the governor keeps to his stated position, I’ll be sending in papers for several sbr’s this july. Maybe I’ll name one of them Heidi…

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