Here is the interesting part: It seems that it was just a threat. No gun was present.

From another source:

Around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 8, Los Alamos Police Department Cpl. Jemuel Montoya was dispatched to Rigoberto’s Taco Shop for a male individual that was being loud and disorderly. Montoya arrived on the scene and found Deines at the counter being argumentative with workers behind the counter. While standing next to Deines, Montoya said he noticed a strong scent of liquor emitting from his person. Deines began to be aggressive with the workers, making the patrons very uncomfortable. When Montoya moved closer, Deines noticed the police officer and reportedly said, “Oh, it’s come to this.”Montoya spoke with Deines outside the restaurant to get a sense of the situation. Apparently, Deine’s food order was wrong and the restaurant employees would not change it.Montoya spoke with one of the employees, who told the officer that Deines threatened to retrieve a gun out of his car if he did not get what he wanted.

Source: Taco Troubles: Man threatens to get gun over wrong order at Rigoberto’s |

Now, if the guy had a gun, would Corporal Montoya be so calm about and arresting the guy after talking to him? We know better.

But for Moms Demand, now saying the word gun in a threatening manner is as bad as Sandy Hook as long as they can make riveting headlines.

PS: The answer to their question is yes. 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Moms Demand dabbing on Fake News.”
  1. It’s Los Alamos. Everyone is a science nerd up there.

    Now if it was Gallup, the headline would read “Man shot over wrong taco order.”

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