It seems that you can crap on public figures because it is a protected right under the First Amendment (and rightly so) but when you accuse somebody, specially a judge, of breaking the law, they kinda take it personally and send lawyers as Linda Wilder Bryan found out.
Here is the important part from the letter sent by the judge’s lawyer:
It seems that Ms Wilder got caught in the middle of an apparent ongoing war between Judge Odell and Savannah’s Chief of Police Joseph Lumpkin. As a rule of thumb, you don’t get in the middle of any fight among powerful people, at least not a frontal attack.
Anyway, I am sure that Michael Bloomberg is gonna send her a team of great NY Lawyers or at least the money to pay for the best local lawyers to defend her from this possible lawsuit.
OK people, you are mean. Stop laughing.
She hasn’t been keeping up w/ the current goodthink. Bonds are racist doncha’ know and the current measures (CA, Chicago, NJ rumored) are to reduce/eliminate the system entirely.
From what I understand, New Jersey eliminated the bond system last year, and it’s going great, unless you happen to be one of the victims of the skyrocketing crime rate. California still has bonds, but the legislature reclassified several violent crimes (such as setting off an explosive device with intent to injure) as non-violent, so people charged with those crimes are getting minimal bonds or own-recognizance releases. (A partial list of the crimes can be found at secondcitycop.blogspot.com.)
Cook County (Chicago) still has bonds, but the judges and the state’s attorney’s office have more or less conspired to OR (they call it an I-bond in Illinois) practically everyone who stands in front of a judge.
This is gonna turn out just swell.
Maybe it’s because it’s Friday, and I’ve had a hard week. Maybe my brain has already gone on vacation early. Maybe i’m just not of the right ethnic background, but was that even English in her rant? My brain shut down after the first group of poop emoji’s.