The other day I said the violence of self defense should be on a dimmer switch and the tools carried for self defense should reflect that.

Take this attack on Larry Elder:

A lot of conservatives have pointed out how if this were a white Republican in a gorilla mask egging a black liberal all hell would break loose.

Forget bringing up hypocrisy.  Hypocrisy requires going against one’s moral code and that assumes that not being racist is a Leftist’s moral code. It’s not.  Acquiring  power is their moral code.  When being overtly anti-black gained them power, they were.  See the Democrats and the KKK from their inception to the Civil Rights Acts.  Now being anti-racist helps them acquire power so they do that.

A racist attack on a Conservative Republican black man isn’t hypocrisy because letting a Conservative Republican black man win erodes their power over a white Progressive.

I want to focus on the woman in the gorilla mask and the bald man who threatened Elder’s security guard.  The large guy that confronted the woman.

After she throws the egg and is clearly the aggressor, she starts yelling “touch me again motherfucker” like she’s the victim getting accosted.  Then the bald man, apparently an ex-Marine, jumps in acting like he is defending the woman.

This is the Leftist tactic, attack and then feign being a victim.

The security guard, who was manhandled, is forced to retreat.


The Left has violence on a dimmer.

We should have violence on a dimmer.

The security guard should have whipped out a baton and started breaking faces.

I mean this literally.  These people do not care about pepper spray.  “Spicy air, don’t care” is a slogan they chant.

I’m for breaking bones and knocking out teeth.  Make them contemplate their life choices every morning when they go to the bathroom and put in their dentures.

They know that they can push us so far because we don’t fight back.  As long as they can keep their level of violence below the threshold that allows us to pull a CCW, they are safe.

We should be able to meet every level of their force with force.

They slap and shove and we should be able to arrange a meeting with them and a plastic surgeon to have maxciliofacial reconstruction.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “More evidence as to why the right should embrace dimmer switch violence”
  1. “They know that they can push us so far because we don’t fight back.”

    Or, we’re afraid to be wrung through the Leftist legal system for fighting back.

    I thought that he said “DOn’t fuck with me, boy”. That’s racist! 8>)

  2. While I dont disagree with you per say, that does escalate things in the grandscheme. Once beatings happen, it goes to now we need to do something else because theyve escalated the violence.

    Its not right and “our side” is always behind the 8 ball, because that is the price of being reactive and that cost is increased by complicit media and gov.

    Escalation has seemed inevitable for quite a while and it is slowly getting worse to the point where there was a broad daylight gun fight.

    The question is, would this escalation be something else that pushes us to the next level or is it just the expected progression and not a trigger to really kick things off?

  3. You’re right.

    Then what?

    It used to be known as the “use of force continuum.”

    Employing equal but opposite levels of force was the rule. Escalating to meet the threat was the idea. That was for LE purposes.

    I’d be good with maybe occasionally leapfrogging a level to bring it to cease.

    That’s just me YMMV

    1. I’ve always believed that defenders should be allowed/authorized by law to go the next available level higher on the “dimmer switch” than their attackers.

      Common sense and reasonableness apply, of course — you don’t go any higher than necessary to stop the threat — but force escalation should not be the sole domain of the aggressor. That just puts defenders one step behind … in a situation where they’re already expected to act re-actively instead of pro-actively.

      Also, note that says “next available level”. Suppose — hypothetically — your attacker starts with strong words and you respond with strong words. Then they escalate to pepper spray, but you don’t have pepper spray. You should be authorized to move past that level straight to the next level you do have. We as defenders shouldn’t be required to carry a Batman-style utility belt that covers the full spectrum of options just to be “reasonable”.

  4. Special case — political candidate, campaigning. She should have been shot in the head before the egg landed.

    1. Respectfully disagree. Political candidates are not “better” or “more valuable” than you or me, or our kids.

      If throwing an egg at a political candidate authorizes a lethal force response, then throwing an egg at my kid authorizes a lethal force response. We’ve not devolved to that point yet (hopefully not ever), and I don’t think society would hold together very well or very long under such conditions.

      However, a (ostensible) person who would throw an egg at another person probably doesn’t need all their teeth, or the full use of their throwing arm or hand for a while. Just because a lethal force response isn’t authorized or appropriate doesn’t mean we should have no options.

        1. But then again, there’s something to be said for the premise of H. Beam Piper’s SF novel “Lone Star Planet”. (If you haven’t read it yet, you should; it’s available for free on

  5. “Now being anti-racist helps them acquire power…” — not quite. Now pretending to be anti-racist … For a textbook example, consider infamous fascist / racist Al Sharpton.

  6. I carry a gun, a knife, pepper spray, a flashlight and a sap. Every day. And yes, I’ve trained with them all. Batons, too.
    One of those is in my car.
    I’ll avoid trouble as long as possible but anyone who comes after me will regret it.

  7. Democrat in a Black Gorilla Mask Protesting and Attcking a Black Political Candidate should be Front Page 24/7 News.

    That it isn’t tells me all I need to know about phony Systemic Racism and Race Relations.

  8. First off Larry needs to get black security so that they can double down on the race baiting. Then when that bald headed fucktard gets up in his face the black security can just grab hit throat and claim the guy called him a racial slur. That’s the playbook, right? Let’s see whitey try and assault black security as well. I can’t watch that thing anymore, I just keep wanting to throat punch that bald guy, and slap the shit out of the mask wearing pyrson as well.

  9. Two magic words: Drop. Piece. If said security screamed “She’s got a gun!!!” and all hell would have broke loose as the twat was ventilated multiple times… I can -only- imagine the instant of realization that they were talking about HER and the -deer-freeze-in-the-headlights- of her as she realizes she done fucked up, and finds out bullets hurt before the long sleep…the chaos would provide cover for Mr. Security to drop the piece to be found after the fact…

    Jes’ Sayin’

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