On Saturday, McAllen (Texas) Police Department officers Edelmiro Garza and Ismael Chavez were shot and killed in an ambush while responding to a report of domestic violence.

Officer Chavez is survived by a daughter, Savannah.

Losing a father is hard, especially when it is unexpected, my heart goes out to her for the pain she is going through right now.

She, like many teenage girls, turned to Twitter with her grief.  She praised her dad, whom she loved, and in her Tweet tagged #BlueLivesMatter.

That set off the fury of the woke internet, which decided to attack and torment this poor girl because her dad was a cop and she used a “racist hashtag.”  I guess with the last name of Chavez, she is probably one of those “white Hispanics.”

On the same day in Portland, there were more protests and some fat fucking bitch of a Leftist protesters who decided to threaten a cop and his family.


This is where the anti-cop attitude on the Left has taken us.

Attacking girls in mourning and threatening families.

I’ll tell you personally, having lost my dad, reading some of the Tweets sent to the daughter of officer Chavez, I want to wash some mouthes out with a scattergun.

When a person is so filled with righteous anger that they feel justified doing this, there is no way that this is going to end peacefully.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “More evidence this culture war is not going to end peacefully”
  1. I disagree. However, unfortunately, it may end in “eternal peace”, for one party or the other.

    More ammo. More stores. More hard hearted friends.

    And follow Col. Parker’s advice: don’t be the one to provoke things, but, should they desire to start it, end it.

  2. This is *not* advocating it, and I hope it doesn’t happen, but I would not be surprised to see some paramilitaries pop up to deal with people like that protestor spouting $hit.

  3. I hope not, but it is really easy to see our urban (and maybe suburban) centers becoming like the Italian City Sates of the renaissance. I.e. rich and powerful families maintaining their own troops, controlling what areas they can, feuding with neighboring clans, and charging “protection” to the residents and merchants under their control. Think Montagues and Capulets rather than the Mafia, but there are similarities.

  4. There’s also the recent case where ‘peaceful activists’ from BLM shot and killed a woman for the horrible crime of saying ‘all lives matter’ where they could hear it.

  5. I think that the, unfortunately inevitable, pictures or video of innocent children having been killed in an arson or execution style shooting by BLM and/or Antifa activists or surrogates will be what causes the keg to go off. Because when they become that emboldened they won’t differentiate between cops’ homes and those that simply don’t bend the knee. Then every American will finally see that without a doubt the sight of BLM and Anitfa in their city, neighborhood, or subdivision is an immediate and existential threat to their families.

  6. I see sh…. stuff like that, and think there is no way any human being could be so cruel.

    When this turns into a hot war (and I think it will), my sympathy meter will not move very far for the people who treated Savannah Chavez in this manner.

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