More videos are coming and giving an idea of what is going on in the city of Guayaquil.

Medical infrastructure has been overwhelmed. Relatives brought this man to the hospital and they won’t accept him.

Cops dumping bodies in cardboard boxes in a neighborhood. People are not happy.

The man was on his way about to be taken to the hospital when he collapsed and became non-responsive.

Vultures over a hospital.

This gentleman made it inside a hospital and collapsed.

I call this farting in a hurricane.

Cars, trucks and SUVs waiting in line loaded with coffins trying to get inside the local cemetery.


Body left on a bench in the middle of the street. A kind soul used a parasol to protect the body somewhat.

Cardboard coffins

And if you are not depressed enough, this gentleman did a video that went viral. He blamed the government and the President of Ecuador for the collapse they are in. He was arrested on charges of Hate Speech.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “More from Ecuador (Very graphic and depressing stuff)”
  1. Whether it’s done with Segways or an ag tractor… what could be the point of “disinfecting” roadways, or the ground?
    I’ve been wondering about this one for quite a while, starting from the question of what kind of “disinfectant” fog those Chinese Segway crews were dispensing and proceeding to the question of why they were dispensing it where they were.
    The public spraying is pure theater, right? Makes it look like The Authorities are Doing Something, as the peasants drop dead?

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