J.Kb. does not hang around Facebook so I checked out Moms Demand “purified & pruned” thread about the same incident and caught some nice examples:
Notice the recurring “This only happens in the Southern dumb states, not in the Hip Northern states where we live.” recurring theme.
And that is only NYC early 2017. I really did not want to go check the Chicago count.
I have to give points imaginative conspiracy to the person hinting the NRA might be part of the Russian cabal.
Add this to the list of Stuff That Never Happened: the NRA advocating/defending celebratory gunfire.
These folks do have vivid imaginations, though.
Chiraq had 3 homicides and a police involved shooting all before 6 am on New Years Day. I hear it’s all Indiana’s fault.
The “news” never seems to mention the bankrupt culture where it is an acceptable practice to murder someone over a pair of shoes.