I spoke too soon.  The week of bad Leftist antisemitism wasn’t over when I wrote my post yesterday.

This time, we are going to turn to Portland, the city that the radical mayor has let come under the grip of Antifa.

From Willamette Week:

Portland Trail Blazers Announce the End of Its Partnership with Military Contractor Leupold & Stevens

The Trail Blazers are ending a controversial partnership with Beaverton-based sniper-scopes manufacturer Leupold & Stevens.

NBA writer Sean Highkin first reported that Blazers President Chris McGowan made the announcement this afternoon at the team’s media day.

“Leupold is no longer a partner of the organization,” McGowan said. “I thank them for many years of supporting our organization. They were a great partner when they were a sponsor. But, for various reasons…they’ve decided to go in a different direction, so they’re no longer a partner of our team.”

Several groups, including the Portland Democratic Socialists of America, have protested the Blazers’ relationship with the company, which supplies rifle scopes to the U.S. military and other armed forces, including the Israeli Defense Force.

It’s the company’s work with the Israeli army that has drawn protest from the DSA, which opposes the occupation of Palestine.

In Portland, the Democratic Socialists of America are an actual political force and not just a bunch of pampered college kids who need to be beaten to within an inch of their lives with a copy of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

And why is the DSA protesting Leupold?  Because of teh JOOOOOOOOOS!!!

Leupold supplies optics to a number of militaries around the world, including to places like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which are only nominally our allies.  Nobody on the Left ever protests American companies supplying anything to a dictatorial monarchy that chops off hands and feet in soccer stadiums to jeering crowds.

Supply equipment to the IDF and they lose their Jew-hating minds.

McGowan said the protests were not entirely the reason for the end of the partnership.

Leupold & Stevens had sponsored a regular segment at Moda Center called Hometown Heroes, meant to honor local military veterans and first responders with free tickets, gifts and in-game recognition.

During a Hometown Heroes segment at a game last year, a former Marine Corps security guard and member of the Portland chapter of the DSA unzipped his jacket, revealing a shirt reading “End This Sponsorship #NoLeupold.”

I still support our military on principle, and I work with a lot of veterans, but everywhere I turn I find more and more people in our military who signed up while at the same time are ideologically opposed to every single thing this country stands for.

I understand that the military is not politically monolithic.  I can name more Democrats in Congress who are veterans than Republicans.  What I find frightening is that like Ted Lieu, Pam Keith, Amy McGrath, Seth Moulton, etc. they swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and then as politicians want to impose the most egregious restrictions on the rights of the people.  We have military veterans in office who want to use the power of the Federal government to disarm the civilian population.

But I digress…

“We are grateful for the hard work of the many community groups, activists, Blazers fans, and veterans who united around this important issue to stand up for Palestinian human rights,” DSA co-chair Olivia Katbi Smith said in a statement. “We are relieved that the Blazers have done the right thing and finally ended this completely unnecessary partnership with a company that has provided sniper scopes to a brutal occupying force.”

Katbi Smith added that the DSA is still planning to oppose the Blazers’ preseason game against Israel’s Maccabi Haifa on Oct. 10.

“Apartheid has no business in Portland, including in our sports and entertainment,” Katbi Smith said.

Translation: “We are historically illiterate but we hate teh JOOOOOS and need to justify our hatred in a way that sounds Woke and Progressive.”

In a more rational place, a bunch of Jew-hating socialists would have been told to go fuck themselves with various sharp and painful implements.  My recommendation is a length of shear cut #18 Rebar.

In Portland, what the Jew-hating socialists want, the Jew-hating socialists get.

I don’t blame Leupold, the political demographics of Portland have shifted so far and so fast I will honestly be surprised if they are not run out of the state the way gun makers were run out of New York.

If/when that happens, I’d like to welcome Leupold to the Huntsville, Alabama area.  We have lots of engineering and manufacturing capabilities to help them as the world-class optics manufacturer that we are.

Also, if the shit hits the fan, I’ll make sure that I bag at least one DSA with my 308 topped with a Leupold Mk 4.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “More Leftist Jew hatred – Portland NBA edition”
  1. Katbi Smith added that the DSA is still planning to oppose the Blazers’ preseason game against Israel’s Maccabi Haifa on Oct. 10.

    I wonder if I can still get tickets for that. I’ve never been to an NBA game (frankly, basketball bores me to tears) but if my attendance will piss off these people it might be worth it just for that…

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