I saw Miguel’s post.  I wanted to follow up with this video.

Antifa has been training on the same battlefields that have trained these terrorists shooting and blowing up Europe.

If Antifa kicks it off we are going to be dealing with people who have fought ISIS and learned from them.

This is truly bad.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “More on the Antifa Syria connection”
  1. The answer is a yes but…..

    As our blog hosts have said, don’t underestimate the enemy especially when they’ve been practicing for a year now and have a body count.

    A small, comparatively, amount of them have been to Syria and other hot spots fighting for any side that will take them. They come back and train small cells of hardcore followers. Some of them have been intercepted and have feds in them some don’t. Some have military combat experience and their team is made up of other vets.

    The professionals are the ones who dont spit in cops faces or get into a shouting match with people in maga hats they’re the ones who are pinning cars or maneuvering the crowd as a body shield, striking, then fading back into the mass to look for their next change. They’re the ones running training on ranges, private farms, and boxing gyms.

    it’s the same with the terrorist training camps from the early 2000s, the reports of gang bangers getting into small arms in a military branch and either getting court martialed or doing their time for more advanced training then getting out and training their block.

    The counter is a networked social and defensive group to oppose them. A pick up team of soccer players wont stand a chance against a team who practices together and knows each others moves, so too your goon squad isn’t going to fair as well when the real heavies stake out your house or find the most blind part of the road to ambush you on your way to work.

    But if ya are part of the bored, paranoid, and not quiet well adjusted who have been training for this to the point you and yours are aware of where they are, where they meet, where they sleep, and where their team goes to school its a different game.

    A terrible violent, wake up in a cold sweat game that I hope doesn’t come to pass but all the same.

  2. I have commented more than once that people keep underestimating antifa, they keep comparing them to the soibois….and most of them are, but there are about 10% of them that are veterans and are hardcore true believers and will use the other 90% as sacrificial lambs. These are the guys that beats the cops in MSP and Seattle and Portland. Don’t underestimate them.

    1. They “beat” cops who were not even allowed the level of self defense available to one of us. Cops who knew actually defending themselves appropriately would end in, at minimum loss of their livelihood, most likely prosecution. They knew the local prosecutor wouldn’t do ANYTHING to Antifa, but would nail them to the wall.

      Here’s what those cops have to put up with: Chicago had a pack of ferals shooting at people with paintball guns. One guy lost an eye. The cops hunted down the idiots, arrested them, and brass had a press conference crowing about how quickly it was done and that the police will treat paintball guns no differently than real guns.

      Next shift briefing, cops are told the department WILL NOT back them if they’re shot at with a paintball gun and use deadly force.

      How much should cops care about putting down a riot when they know they’re being put up for sacrifice as much as the rioters?

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