Now aside from the fact that about half of those unattended long guns appear to be “leaning with intent to fall”, A zoom on the AR to the far left, closest to the bald bozo in the Cabela’s shirt, reveals that the safety selector is vertical to the rifle, meaning that it’s set to FIRE. Two of the other ARs have their safeties obstructed by slings or camera angle, but I’m willing to bet that at least one of them has it’s safety disengaged, too; that’s just the sort of half-assed idiots that these half-assed idiots are.

via Lagniappe’s Lair: Open Carry Texas demonstrates why THEY are not qualified to carry rifles in public places.

I saw this pic and I almost had a heart attack out of ignominy.  I have shot an M4 maybe twice in my life so I am not even an amateur, but the shotgun? Give me 3 seconds and even if that scattergun is unloaded, I’ll make sure it is loaded and ready to rock.

And by the way most of them are dressed, I doubt there is many of the carrying a concealed handgun, and if they do, it is pocket carry which means crap if you are seated behind a bolted table in a booth.

OCT, you are doing it right.

bloomberg approves

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “More Open Carry Texas Facepalm. Bloomberg Approved.”
  1. the AR design is unable to be switched to SAFE unless the hammer is cocked. true you can cock the hammer with the chamber empty but if you drop the hammer on the empty chamber you can not then switch it to safe.

  2. 45 states allow the open carry of properly holstered handguns. 30 of these states do not require a permit to open carry. So should Texas! Learn more at

  3. I was thinking more about this …

    I believe it is part of the “order of arms” of the M16/M4 to decock the hammer after clearing the chamber. which again would make it unable to be put on “safe”

    Also the chamber is likely empty because most anti poaching laws say you can not have a round in the chamber of a rifle during transport/ not active engaged in hunting at least it is in colorado I feel safe to assume the same law is active in Texas.

  4. Of course, the FIRST step in clearing a rifle like the M4 is to REMOVE THE MAGAZINE.

    Magazine locked in place means “loaded”, generally. Certainly to any thrid party evaluating teh situation by appearance.

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