In a couple of posts I have noted the similarities between ultra-Leftism and Jihadism.  Both are ideologies that demand its adherents live in an echo chamber and use violence to drive away all dissenting views.

Well, here is another similarity, one that is truly terrifying.

One of the three terrorist who committed the London Bridge attack is Khuram Butt.  He was featured in a British TV show called “The Jihadis Next Door” about radical Islamist living in the UK trying to undermine the UK.  Despite that, he managed to get a job in the Tube system.

Another of the London Bridge attackers was Youssef Zaghba.  Zaghba was arrested in Italy trying to get on a one way flight to Istanbul.  When questioned by Italian police why he was traveling one way without luggage, he said “I’m going to be a terrorist.

Neither of these men were under suspicion or investigation by UK police despite their jumping up and down, waiving red flags, shooting flares into the air, that they were up to no good.

Now to our side of the Atlantic.

It turns out that one of the leakers illegally dumping Trump info to the media is a 25 year old contractor named Reality Leigh Winner.  Winner had “Top Secret Level” security clearance.

She was a fanatical Bernie Bro and a vicious anti-Trumper.  She would take to Facebook and social media with anti-Trump tirades.

She was also a racist Social Justice Warrior.


Lastly, and most damming, she openly said on Twitter that she would side with Iran if it came to conflict.

How.  The.  Fuck.  Did.  This.  Girl.  Keep.  Her.  Security.  Clearance?

She all but said she would commit treason against the Trump administration and she was allowed to keep working as an NSA contractor?

Is this the “extreme vetting” that the Left keeps telling us will protect us?

If we can’t root the obvious traitors out of Top Secret positions, how are we going to root ISIS out of refugees and migrants.  Well, if we follow in the footsteps of the British, we won’t.

At this point I get the feeling that you could wear a Che Guevera shirt with a “Fuck America” button to a NSA job interview and you’d still get hired or carry a sword and a Jihadi Flag through customs in Europe and they’s let you in.

These people have proven that they cannot keep us safe, they are too ideologically blind to see the terrorist for the trees.


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By J. Kb

One thought on “More parallels”
  1. Hmm… in my nearly 30 years of having a TS, I seem to recall a minor point about “Association or sympathy with persons or organizations that advocate the overthrow of the United States Government, or any state or subdivision, by force or violence or by other unconstitutional means.”

    And by “minor,” I mean “significant.” 😉

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