Busses in Mother Goose Land are very different than busses in real life.
The “Wheels on the Bus” bus does not have vagrants that go “stink stink stink” or junkies that go “mumble mumble mumble.”
Verisimilitude is not appreciated in nursery rhymes.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Busses in Mother Goose Land are very different than busses in real life.
The “Wheels on the Bus” bus does not have vagrants that go “stink stink stink” or junkies that go “mumble mumble mumble.”
Verisimilitude is not appreciated in nursery rhymes.
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We could save billions of dollars spent annually on Anti-Drug PSAs, Anti-Drug Education Programs in the schools, and other such silliness just by having the average group of high school students have to spend fifteen minutes in the same room as a tweaking meth-head.
Or send high school seniors to The City of the Dead in Chiro Egypt for 5 days where the average income is $12 dollars a YEAR….. or save the airfair and send em to Baltimore…dems dont live in realityworld. We should send THEM to Baltimore