Georgia boy, 11, pulled from bike and attacked by ‘loose’ pit bulls loses part of ear, most of his scalp

An 11-year-old boy is missing 70% of his scalp after he was pulled from his bicycle and attacked by three loose pit bulls while on a ride through the neighborhood.

The boy, Justin Gilstrap, was missing half of his ear, had bites on his leg, and had much of his scalp ripped off by the time police arrived on the scene.

Burt Baker III, the owner of the dogs, told police his dogs enjoy chasing people on bicycles. Baker was arrested shortly after and charged him with reckless conduct.

“There isn’t an inch of his body that doesn’t have a cut or bruise,” Justin’s mom, Ericka Gilstrap, told WRDW. “His life will never be the same again.”

Mason’s mother, Kellie Aguilar, said this isn’t the first time the family has filed a complaint about Baker’s dogs.

“Nobody’s ever done anything,” Ericka added. “They just run loose. They’re not behind the fence. They’re not tied up. They run loose 24/7.″

According to Ericka Gilstrap’s Facebook, Justin has been suffering a fever and just left surgery where some of his skin from his leg and scalp were removed. Doctors say they are optimistic the integra graft will begin soon.

It’s sad to say that this boy is lucky that he still has both arms and legs.

The part about the pitbulls roaming free and enjoying chasing people?

After the first time the police did nothing about that, that’s when the 62 grain varmint grenades come out.

I’ve seen what those do to coyotes.  Should be equally effective on pitbulls.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “More pitbulls that should have been shot before attacking a kid”
  1. Man not for nothing, why are you letting your kid ride past the dogs that chase people then?

    Owner is 100% responsible, but like with everything else in life, we also play a part in the outcomes the befall us.

    Otherwise this is a pitbull post I agree with you one. Extraordinarily reckless of the neighbor and it was only a matter of time.

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