I just added The Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Monitor to my daily reading routine

Elliott wore a ‘Fuc* The Police’ shirt and commandeered Black Lives Matter chants, including “Say His [Elijah McClain’s] Name” and “No Justice, No Peace,” alongside Denver Antifa ‘comrade,’ Michael Windecker (thenomanzone.com, October 15). Antifa then started fires at a Denver suburb’s courthouse, broke courthouse windows, and pointed lasers and threw fireworks at police officers (CBS [Denver], July 25).

Michael Windecker calls himself a Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) “soldier” and “proud Fuc*ing Communist.” He fought with Syrian-based Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG), whom he refers to as “Antifa freedom fighters,” and Iraqi-based Peshmerga against Islamic State. Daily Beast profiled Windecker, whose alias was “Necromancer,” on Kirkuk’s frontlines in 2015 (Daily Beast, April 20, 2015). However, it published a follow-up article after learning Windecker’s multiple arrests included third-degree sexual assault of a 14-year old boy (Daily Beast, April 27, 2015).

Antifa’s Denver Shooting: New Trends in Left-Wing Political Violence, Syrian Connections, and Sub-cultures

Yes, they are hiring criminals to do their dirty work. This is standard operating procedure by Socialists and one I have seen with my own eyes.

My neighborhood was not one of the best ones in Caracas, in fact, the US Embassy had it tagged as a Red Zone, US Personnel should not go there under any circumstance unless provided with armored personnel carrier and a squad of Marines. In our street there was this guy I will call Tony who was about 3-4 years older than me and I have known basically all my life. We were always friendly with each other, but never friends. Mom knew he was up to no good as a kid and eventually he got arrested several times and went to prison at least twice.

Tony was always nice to us and specially very sweet with my mother who he treated like a grandmother. With other people? He was the asshole that would smile to your face while slowly gutting you and was involved in the local drug trade and any other criminal enterprise that would produce him money. In our street, he was capo and nobody fucked with him.

After we moved back to the States and before I finally convinced mom to come live with us, I would have to go check on her at least twice a year. In one of those trips, i bumped into tony and we exchanged pleasantries like we always did. When I asked him what was he doing, I expected the old non-committal response I always got and we both knew it was all crime business as usual. Instead, this time he reached for his back pocket and produced a wallet with a gold shield and an Inspector ID.  He looked at me and said “It is legal, bro. Issued by the government. I am a cop!”

We laughed, but I was actually horrified at the fact this guy had official government license to kill. We talked  some more minutes, asked me to convey his regards to mom and went about our businesses. I never saw him again because we finally convinced mom to move to the US. One day in the comfort of our Miami home, we were watching some action movie and mom made a comment: “Hey, that is Tony’s gun.” Think she meant a sidearm being held by the hero, I asked “The Glock pistol?” “No” she replied, “the machine gun.” She was pointing at another character in the scene holding an HK MP-5.

I rewound and paused the scene and mom confirmed that was the gun because tony himself had proudly showed it to her and told her it was also government issued. I made a comment like “why would anybody give him a frigging machine gun?” and mom said he told her that he was in charge of making sure no anti-Chavistas got too bold for their own good and to help the Revolution fight “Contra-revolucionarios.”

The hiring of criminals makes sense: They have no qualms for human life, they are only after their immediate gratification and you may be just a little bug that gets in the way and gets squashed. However, providing weapons to such individuals also helps in raising the violent crime rates which helps keep regular citizens under control. The downside?    Goverment created monsters that the own government can’t control short of full military deployment and even that is a silly hope.  Large portions of Caracas have become No-Go zones the way Fallujah was once without Marines laying waste to it first. If police shows up, it is the Special teams (FAE) and only for a short time against a very specific target. Other than that, I believe there has not been a regular police presence in those areas for almost a decade.

It has been years since the people living in these areas have bothered to report crimes of any kind, including homicides. This helps the government because unreported crime does not make statistics and they can claim violent crime is down under the glorious banner of the Revolution. But Venezuela’s version of “Snitches get stitches” (you and your family shot to death or burned alive) keeps any stats from being known. If you lie in an area dominated by a government-sponsored criminal enterprise, you pay the “vacuna” (bribe. extortion) you shut your mouth and hope you are left alone.

And that is why the Left loves criminals working for them. Even if they can’t control them, they can benefit from their actions.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “More reading for you: Antifa’s Denver Shooting: New Trends in Left-Wing Political Violence, Syrian Connections, and Sub-cultures”
  1. >Even if they can’t control them, they can benefit from their actions.

    And of course they’ll feign surprise and ignorance if ever confronted with any evidence of it.

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