Monday was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.

In New York City, several youths celebrated the holiday by throwing a brick through a Synagogue window.

Like the many physical assaults on Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn nobody in the national media cares to report this and there are not hundreds and thousands of retweets by celebrities and social media influencers condemning this.

They are too busy spreading a hoax about a girl having her hair cut by bullies at school as a way of attacking Karen Pence (who teaches at the school), to attack Mike Pence, to ultimately blame Trump for an incident that never happened.

Fortunately – as fortunately as these things can be – it was only a window that was smashed with a brick and not a skull.

And people wonder why I have a 45 under my prayer shawl on Friday nights.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “More reasons why I carry in Synagogue”
  1. J.KB,

    I fully appreciate and support your faith and your observation that it is the act of a responsible person to legally carry a gun just in order to defend oneself or another in need.
    Keep the faith and continue to carry if/when possible/practical.

  2. a belated Shana Tova, and I am always both surprised AND delighted to meet a Jew who REALLY means, “Never again!” So many American ( and sadly, even Israeli) Jews seem to speak that as an empty phrase meaning nothing, and they stand by while their brethren are harassed, beaten, murdered – and then elect politicians who hate them! I have never understood this, But I do, as the Scriptures say, ALWAYS pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for Jews around the world. If ONLY they would stand up as their forefathers did!!!

    1. Julian, if you haven’t found it yet, look around Robert Avrech’s blog at His essay “Jew without a Gun” is VERY good.
      And there is also Rabbi Dovid Bendory’s pages at

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