Ezra Klein of Vox Media is retarded. There is no beating about the bush on that. He posted this article today: Is Singapore’s “miracle” health care system the answer for America?
I was sort of half-assed reading it, when I came across a doozy of a statement that made my head reel and my nose start to bleed.
But Singapore isn’t a free market utopia. Quite the opposite, really. It’s a largely state-run health care system where the government designed the insurance products with a healthy appreciation for free market principles — the kind of policy Milton Friedman might have crafted if he’d been a socialist.
What the fuck was that? If Milton Friedman was a socialist?
That’s like saying:
The Wealth of Nations is the book Ezra Klein would write if he didn’t have shit for brains.
Here is Milton Friedman giving a Nobel Prize winning tear-down of Socialism.
So the article goes on to explain how the Singapore system works with mandatory compliance. Like Social Security on steroids.
Then I got towards the end of the article and read this.
Singapore manages a nanny state beyond anything Americans can imagine, or would permit.
Despite the country’s wealth, only 15 percent of Singaporeans have cars, because the government makes car ownership prohibitively expensive. There’s virtually no illegal drugs or gun crime in Singapore, in part because drug dealers are executed and guns are outlawed. Cigarette and alcohol taxes are enormous by American standards. As Matt Yglesias said in our episode of The Weeds discussing Singapore, “If you imagine America with no guns, less booze, much less drugs, and radically less driving, our public health outcomes would soar.”
No wonder the stupid shit-weasels at Vox love Singapore so much. It’s a totalitarian state that takes your guns, booze, cars, and freedom and in return taxes the hell out of your for healthcare. It’s a big government lover’s wet dream.
It’s not about healthcare, it’s about tyranny.
Sure, our healthcare system needs improvement, but wanting to impose the system of a nation that practices summary executions and caning, that deserves a big ‘ol ‘Murican “FUCK YOU.
The same people lauding Singapore for these things are the same folks who decried Singapore for caning Michael P. Fay for vandalism. They’re also the same folks who decry capital punishment here, so to see capital punishment there lauded as an indirect way to improve health is rather wacky.
They USED TO decry caining and capital punishment. Now Trump is president and beating Turmp supporting “Nazis” with sticks and threatening/joking about/advocating killing them is totes cool.
As always, it’s about control. He wants to be in control. He wants to order the execution of the drug smugglers, He wants to outlaw cars and make everyone live in a box-sized apartment so they can commute on mass transit.
The population of Singapore is just over half of that of New York City. To think their systems and laws could be put into a country of 300 Million is insane.
There is a major difference between the benefits of a citizen of Singapore and a worker living in Singapore.
Nobody commented on the Milton Friedman video. What an astute man!